Use case requirements

To run a use case, ensure your project has the required data. During the requirements step, you will:

  • Identify the data needed to run a use case.
  • Map your data in data mapping.

We understand your business may have its data naming structure. Rather than requiring you to rename your data, Bloomreach Engagement offers a data mapping feature. This allows you to map your existing data to the data required by the use case, enabling you to run it without changing your existing data structure.

Data mapping

Map your data using the Data Mapping functionality to run the use cases in the Use Case Center. Go to Data & Assets > Data Manager and click Mapping to access this feature.

Map the data identified with a red tick. A green tick means you don't need to map the data. This is the last step before accessing the use case.

Data requirements

The list of requirements depends on the use case.

For this use case, you need these data points

  • Events
  • Customer properties
  • Catalogs
  • Consents

If a requirement is optional, you can deploy the use case.

If you can't complete the requirements step, it may be because your project has missing data or incomplete data mapping.

Setting up requirements for one project does not apply to other projects. You must configure the requirements for each project.

The requirements step will only appear if the necessary data for a use case has not been mapped. Each data point only needs to be mapped once.

If the requirements step does not appear, you can't access it.

Meet the requirements

Map the structure of your data to

  • Predefined events
  • Customer properties
  • Catalog
  • Consents

To meet the requirements

  1. Go to Data & Assets > Data manager and click Mapping.
  2. Map the data.
  3. Click Save changes.
  4. Return to the use case.
  5. Refresh the requirements page.
  6. Click Continue.



When the requirements step appears, you can map all the data in your data structure or only the data required for the specific use case you downloaded.

Map the purchase event

Make sure “Purchase (completed)” and “Purchase (returned)” are not mapped to the same event. If mapped to the same event, they must be distinguished by status or another attribute.

If they are not, you will get a warning message:

Multiple data mapping definitions were matched in a single object. Due to ambiguity no automatic conversion will be used. Please,change your data mapping settings or contact our support for guidance.


An edge case is if your data is mapped properly, but the format for a specific Customer property or Event needs to be corrected.