Twilio SMS/MMS

Twilio Messaging SMS and MMS integration allows you to send and receive SMS and MMS messages through Twilio's scalable messaging service using Bloomreach Engagement's standard SMS messaging functionality. You can find it in Integrations > + Add new integration.

With the Twilio Super Network providing connections to 4,800+ carrier partners, you can send messages and build customer relationships globally.


Initial setup

Twilio Messaging (SMS and MMS) integration must be initially set up by our SMS specialist. Contact your CSM to integrate and begin using Twilio SMS and MMS.


Before proceeding with this integration, you must have your Twilio account set up. If you don't have a Twilio account yet, contact your CSM to help get yours created. You will also need the following credentials from your Twilio account:

  • Account SID: Your unique 34-character Twilio Account SID (begins with “AC”) acts as a username to identify your Twilio Account. You can find the token in the Twilio Console.
  • Auth token: Your authentication token. You get it for each service plan. You can find the token in the Twilio Console.
  • API Key SID: Your API Key SID to authenticate access to your Twilio account. Ensure your API Key's permissions are granted the necessary access levels.
  • API Key Secret: Your API Key Secret to authenticate access to your Twilio account.

Integration setup

Follow these steps to set up your Twilio Messaging SMS/MMS provider integration:

  1. Open your Bloomreach Engagement project and click Data & Assets > Integrations > + Add new integration.

  2. Search for "Twilio Messaging" and click + Add integration.

  3. The integration settings page appears. Populate the fields shown with your Twilio account details your CSM or CS team provided. This integrates your Twilio account with your project.

  4. Click Save integration to complete your integration.

  5. Start using the Twilio Messaging integration and configure any project-level settings.

(Optional) Set default SMS provider

If your project has multiple SMS provider integrations, you can optionally set a default provider. This default provider will be preselected in any new SMS campaigns or SMS nodes you create.

To set a default SMS provider:

  1. Click Project settings > Channels > SMS / MMS / RCS.

  2. Select your default provider from the SMS provider integration drop-down field.


Your user role must have admin rights to set a default SMS provider integration.

Event tracking

By default, event tracking for the Twilio Messaging SMS/MMS is mapped to the campaign event with action_type=sms.

You can optionally map events to a different event name in Project settings > Campaigns > Mapping > Campaign events.

When Bloomreach Engagement sends a SMS message with Twilio, it tracks the response. Twilio Messaging either accepts the message for delivery or rejects it. Look for error explanations in case of rejected messages.

Twilio Messaging SMS/MMS event properties are as follows:

Event propertyValueDescription
The message was (enqueued) or was not (enqueue_failed) successfully forwarded to the SMS provider for delivery.
status"delivered"The message was successfully delivered from the SMS provider to the recipient's handset.
The message was rejected by the SMS provider or delivery to the recipient's handset failed.
number_of_message_partsNumberCount of message parts
status_codenumerical codeSee Twilio's Error and Warning Dictionary.
errore.g. "syntax_invalid_parameter_format"Error code - failed requests. Error and Warning Dictionary .
commente.g. "The format of a field value is invalid. For example if a MSISDN is not correctly formatted."Error message - failed requests. Error and Warning Dictionary .

Delivery reports

For each SMS message that you send, the integration provides real-time delivery reports in real-time when the end recipient's operator responds about the delivery. These reports help you track when messages are sent, delivered, and clicked, offering clarity on message delivery and customer reactions for campaign evaluation.

In cases of messages returning failed or rejected statuses, the integration provides error explanations in the error property of the campaign event. For more information on error explanations, see the Twilio Error and Warning Dictionary.

Message statuses

Engagement has the following SMS message statuses:

Status valueDescription
enqueuedEnqueued the SMS message to the service provider
enqueue_failedCould not enqueue the SMS message
deliveredSMS message was successfully delivered from the service provider to the end customer’s handset
sentSMS message was submitted to the network for delivery
failedSMS message not delivered, typically due to a failure or temporary problem.
rejectedSMS message was rejected for delivery by the service provider
incoming_messageInbound SMS message or reply from a campaign recipient (upon activating Two-way Messaging)
clickedCustomer clicked on a link inside the SMS (using the Campaign Link Shortener).

Waiting period

Some delivery reports may take up to 4 days to receive, depending on the operator. However, users shall not expect delivery reports to be delivered after 4 days after dispatching because delivery reports are tracked in the first 4 days after dispatching the message.

Countries without delivery reports

Some countries do not provide delivery reports for SMS messages. These countries include: Bangladesh, Benin, Brazil, Burundi, Cambodia, Germany, Guadeloupe, Guam, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Kuwait, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mexico, Nauru, Northern Mariana Islands, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Samoa, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Wallis and Futuna Islands.

Predefined sender

For details on how to set a predefined or default sender, read Predefined senders and (Optional) Default predefined sender.