Scenarios Overview Screen
Let's take a look at how Bloomreach Engagement displays Scenarios.
Scenario Status
You can filter scenarios that you want to see on your main page through the Status filter

The following labels mean:
- Active - your scenario is running (trigger nodes inside scenario are active)
- Inactive - previously active scenario stopped (nothing happens anymore)
- Finishing - your scenario has been requested to stop, however, already running tasks need to finish first. Afterward, the scenario will change its status to Inactive
- Draft - Initial state, your scenario is saved but has never been started
System Scenarios

Using the System Scenarios
option allows you to access and check on Email Campaigns as every Email Campaign is in the background created as a System Scenario
Scenario History of Versions
You can restore accidentally deleted versions and continue working on them. Scenario version history offers also the view of changes, showing specific nodes that have been changed in the scenario. Just go to the specific scenario, click on the three-dots menu, and go to Scenario history.

You will be able to preview the historical changes by clicking on each version, where you can revert to any version or make a copy of it. Nodes that have been changed in that version will be highlighted.

View and Restore Deleted Scenario
To check the list of deleted scenarios go to main scenarios screen. When clicking on the History icon in the upper right corner and choosing the Deleted filter you will be able to view all deleted scenarios from the project.
If you are able to find previous saved (Created or Edited) version of the scenario in the Scenarios history, by clicking on it, you will be able to recover last successfully saved version of the deleted scenario.
Updated over 1 year ago