Abandoned Search Email Flow

Industry: Travel

What to Expect From This Use Case

The Abandoned Search use case in the travel industry targets customers who began searching for travel options, such as flights, hotels, or car rentals but did not complete a booking. Travel companies can personalize follow-up communications using data from these abandoned searches to encourage customers to return and finalize their bookings.



Visit our microsite to read more about this and other use cases developed by a team of Bloomreach experts.

Use Case Items

With this use case, you’ll get a:

  • Abandoned Search Email

How to deploy the Use Case

After downloading the use case, follow these steps:

Step 1: Meet the Requirements

Verify if the data in your project meets the requirements. Follow this step-by-step setup guide in case of problems.

Step 2: Understand the Use Case Logic

This use case involves re-engaging users who left the site without completing their travel booking to encourage them to return and finalize their plans.

The scenario is triggered when a customer ends their session. They enter the email flow after 2 hours if they have provided valid consent. Customers who made a booking within the last seven days are excluded to prevent over-targeting. The use case targets customers who viewed an item in their last session but didn’t add it to their cart, as abandoned cart scenarios are handled separately. The frequency for this campaign is capped at one email every seven days.

You can choose between two flows for this use case, depending on your preference for displaying personalized content in the email:

Flow 1: Triggered when the session ends, using 'last' aggregates to populate the email content.
Flow 2: Triggered by each view_item event, pulling information directly from the event using Jinja templates.

The email content includes the last item viewed, including its name, start date, destination, and URL. You can customize the content based on your specific data structure and event tracking setup.



If your search funnel includes different tracked steps, consider splitting the Abandoned Search use case into multiple flows based on where the abandonment occurred.

Step 3: Adjust the Use Case

Now that you understand the use case logic, you can set up the use case according to your preference.

3.1 Email Settings

If you decide to customize the email settings, follow this detailed guide to make the adjustments.

3.2 Design & Copy

Customize the email visuals and copy to align with your company's brand identity.

Otherwise, you can go through this guide for more information.

Follow this guide to adjust the email template with products in the email node.

3.3 A/B test

A/B test the use case to better understand the email performance and revenue generated.

This use case's A/B test traffic distribution is set to variant A at 80 % and the control group at 20 %. We recommend keeping this distribution as it brings quick and statistically significant results.

Learn more about the dos and don'ts when modifying your A/B tests in this guide.

Step 4: Test and Run the Use Case

When you are done adjusting the use case, we recommend to always test the use case before deployment. When testing, double-check if the use case design, copy, and settings work as preferred.



You should only deploy a use case after testing. Testing prevents sending unfinished or imperfect campaigns to your customer base.

Run the use case once the testing is over. When you open the email, click the Start button in the upper right corner to launch the campaign.

Additional Resources

Learn how to enhance and optimize email performance with different tips and tricks from Bloomreach experts.