Enhanced conversational experiences in a channel with features like rich media, branding, and interactivity

Why use this integration?

The Rich Communication Services (RCS) integration powers this rich mobile messaging channel that allows you to send and receive RCS messages to reach customers on their mobile devices. By tapping into the RCS channel, you gain a versatile and effective way to communicate with your audience.

RCS is a more advanced channel compared to SMS, providing interactive and branded messaging experiences. As of the launch of iOS 18 in September 2024, RCS is now fully supported on both Android and iOS devices.

You can create, send, receive, and track RCS messages at scale, reaching consumers on their devices. Other RCS messaging capabilities include:

  • Branded and verified sender
  • High-resolution images and video
  • Quick reply buttons
  • Carousels
  • Visual editor
  • SMS fallback support
  • Read receipts


RCS integration access is only available in select Engagement packages. Contact your CSM or CS team to start using RCS.

How the integration works

RCS messages are sent and received via our Infobip Mobile Messaging and Sinch Mobile Messaging providers. These integrations also allow for Two-Way Messaging and support SMS fallback to maximize message delivery, boosting messaging effectiveness.

RCS messages are sent through carriers and received on the end user's messaging app, similar to SMS and MMS, without the need for a third-party app.

Use cases

  • Promotional: Imagine you are a business owner looking to boost your sales. You decide to send out promotional messages to both new and existing customers. These messages aim to increase awareness, engagement, and ultimately, sales. Use Bloomreach Engagement to set up and automate promotional campaigns, ensuring that your customers receive relevant offers.
  • Transactional: Imagine a customer who has just made a purchase on your website. Shortly after, they receive a transactional email confirming their purchase, providing shipping details, and alerting them to any suspicious account activities. This type of communication keeps your customers informed and reassured about their transactions.
  • Multi-use: Picture a scenario where you want to combine both promotional and transactional messages. For example, after sending an account notification, you follow up with an offer for a discount on the customer's next purchase. This multi-use approach keeps customers engaged and encourages them to use new products and services.

RCS setup


Make sure you meet these prerequisites:

  • Engagement project access: You have a Bloomreach Engagement project with access to Scenarios and Integrations.
  • RCS phone number: You have a dedicated phone number that meets the provider's requirements. This number must not be connected to any other RCS account. If you need help, contact your CSM.
  • Provider account: You have a Sinch or Infobip account.
  • Customer profile requirements: Make sure the customer attribute phone meets these requirements:
    • Phone numbers must be in one of the 2 standard MSISDN formats, including the + and country code. For example, +441234556789 or 44123456789.
    • If using a different phone number format (for example, with leading zeros 00), modify the format using Jinja. To use RCS Two-Way Messaging, you must have phone as a customer attribute.
    • It is a best practice to track phone as a Soft ID.

Add a provider integration

To use RCS native integration, you must have either the Infobip Mobile Messaging or Sinch Mobile Messaging provider integration set up on the Engagement project level.

Follow these steps to configure one of these two provider integrations:


The setup of a RCS provider integration, either Infobip Mobile Messaging or Sinch Mobile Messaging, needs to be requested from your CSM or CS team who will provide you with the required details.

Infobip integration setup

To set up your Infobip Mobile Messaging provider integration:

  1. Open your Bloomreach Engagement project and click Data & Assets > Integrations > + Add new integration.

  2. Search for "Infobip Mobile Messaging" and click + Add integration.

  3. The integration settings page appears. Fill in the fields shown using the account details your CSM or CS team provided. This will integrate your RCS account with your Infobip account.

    1. API Key: Your authentication key, provided for each service plan. You can find it in the Infobip console.
    2. Entity ID (optional): This is your unique identifier for each service plan. It is used to validate API call requests.
    3. Endpoint region: Choose your region based on your domain location and data protection requirements. Options are EU and US.
    4. Sender: Sender name or number to use for sending messages. You must use one of your predefined senders in your Infobip account.
  4. Click Save integration to complete your integration.

  5. Start using the RCS integration and configure any project settings.

Sinch integration setup


Sinch RCS integration is under development.

To set up your Sinch Mobile Messaging provider integration:

  1. Go to Data & Assets > Integrations > Add new integration.
  2. Search for "Sinch Mobile Messaging" and click Add integration.
  3. The integration settings page appears. Populate the fields shown using the account details your CSM or CS team provided. This integrates your RCS account with your Sinch account.
    1. Project ID: The unique ID associated with your Sinch account.
    2. App ID: Represents the ID of the application that initiates the message.
    3. Access Key: Your unique Sinch Access Key ID. You can find it in the Sinch Access Keys page.
    4. Access Secret: Your unique Sinch Access Key Secret. It is only displayed once when you create a new key.
    5. Endpoint region: Choose your region based on your domain location and data protection requirements. Options are EU and US.
  4. Click Save integration button to complete your integration.
  1. Start using RCS integration and configure any project settings.

(Optional) Set default RCS provider

If your project has multiple provider integrations, you can optionally set a default provider. This default provider will be preselected in any new RCS nodes you create.

To set a default RCS provider:

  1. Click Project settings > Channels > SMS / MMS / RCS.
  2. Select your default provider from the RCS provider integration drop-down field.


Your user role must have admin rights to set a default RCS provider integration.

Send RCS messages

RCS integration allows you to create and send a variety of RCS message types, which allows for engaging 1:1 communication with customers.

To access RCS messages using Scenarios:

  1. Go to Campaigns > Scenarios .
  2. Create a new Scenario.
  3. Under the Design tab, select the RCS node.

The customer's phone attribute will be used as the phone number to send the message to.

RCS message types

Supported RCS message types include:

  • Text message: Text-based message for clear, universal communication. Maximum 1,000 character limit per message.
  • Media message: Includes media types such as images, video, audio, and documents (file size limited to 100 MB)
    • Supported file types: JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, MP4, M4V, MPEG-4, MPEG, WEBM, H263
  • Choice message: Includes up to 3 quick reply buttons
  • Card message: An interactive rich card containing the following elements:
    • Title
    • Message
    • Image or video
    • Quick reply buttons (up to 3 buttons)
  • Carousel message: Send multiple rich cards in one message, displayed in a horizontally scrolling carousel (up to 10 cards)

You can include Jinja personalization and emojis in your messages. The editor also displays a dynamic character counter.

Text message

RCS Text messages are limited to 1,000 characters.

To create a RCS Text message:

  1. Add a new RCS node to your Scenario.

  2. Double-click the RCS node you added and select Text message as your RCS message type from the prompt.

  3. Choose your RCS provider integration in the visual editor under Sender.

  4. Customize your message content using the Message field.

Media message

RCS Media messages allow you to include media types such as images, video, and documents. The file size is limited to 100MB, and the media file URL can have a maximum length of 2,048 characters.

Supported file formats are: JPG, JPEG, GIF, MP4, M4V, MPEG-4, MPEG, WEBM, H263

To create an RCS Media message:

  1. Add a new RCS node to your Scenario.
  2. Double-click the RCS node you added, and select Media message as your RCS message type from the prompt.
  3. In the visual editor, choose your RCS provider integration under Sender.
  4. Customize your message content using the Your media field.
  • Your media: Public URL of your media file. Accepted file formats are:
    • Images: JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF
    • Videos: MP4, M4V, MPEG-4, MPEG, WEBM, H263
    • Documents: PDF

Choice message

RCS Choice messages allow you to include up to 3 clickable choice buttons, giving customers quick reply options or suggested actions they can take.

To create a RCS Choice message:

  1. Add a new RCS node to your Scenario.
  2. Double-click the RCS node you added and select Choice message as your RCS message type from the prompt.
  3. In the visual editor, choose your RCS provider integration under Sender.
  4. Customize your message content using the Message field.

Card message

To create a RCS Card message:

  1. Add a new RCS node to your Scenario.
  2. Double-click the RCS node you added and select Card message as your RCS message type from the prompt.
  3. In the visual editor, choose your RCS provider integration under Sender.
  4. Customize your message content using the Message field.

Carousel message

To create a RCS Carousel message:

  1. Add a new RCS node to your Scenario.
  2. Double-click the RCS node you added and select Carousel message as your RCS message type from the prompt.
  3. In the visual editor, click the Sender field to choose your RCS provider integration.
  4. Customize your message content using the Message field.

Two-Way Messaging

To receive inbound RCS messages from your customers, you need to configure the Two-Way Messaging setting for the channel. This setup allows customer replies to be forwarded to Engagement, where they will be processed and tracked as campaign events in real-time. To enable this, the callback URL must be configured in your provider account (Sinch or Infobip) to receive replies.


  • Phone as a customer attribute: While not required, it is best practice to track phone as a Soft ID. Phone numbers must be in one of the two standard international MSISDN formats, including the "+" and country code. For example: +441234556789 or 44123456789.
  • Configure the customer ID containing the customer phone number and select the format in which the numbers are saved so Bloomreach Engagement can match the incoming message to a profile.


To configure RCS Two-Way Messaging:

  1. Go to Data & Assets > Integrations.

  2. Click on your RCS provider integration you set up. After you saved the integration previously, a callback URL was generated in the 2-way mobile messaging field.

  3. Copy the callback URL in the 2-way mobile messaging field. The URL needs to be set up in your provider account (Infobip or Sinch) to receive the incoming messages.

  4. Provide the callback URL to your CSM. Your CSM will help set this up on the provider side.

Once you have configured RCS Two-Way Messaging, you will begin receiving incoming messages from your customers in the form of a campaign event with the following properties:

Event propertyValueExample
campaign_idGenerated campaign_id for the inbound message123456
messageContent of the message body"SUBSCRIBE"

These properties allow you to track and process customer replies in real-time, enabling more interactive and responsive communication within your campaigns.

Event tracking

By default, event tracking for RCS is mapped to the campaign event with action_type=rcs .

You can optionally map events to a different event name in Project settings > Campaigns > Mapping > Campaign events.

RCS event properties are as follows:

Event propertyValueDescription
campaign_ide.g. "123546"Generated campaign_id for the RCS message
recipiente.g. "004211111111111"Phone number of the destination recipient
sendere.g. "123456"Sender ID or number used to send the RCS message
sent_timestampe.g. "1723484965.922874"Timestamp of when RCS message was sent
statuse.g. "delivered"Message delivery statuses reported in real-time. See list of RCS delivery status values
errore.g. "RECIPIENT_NOT_REACHABLE"Error explanations in cases of messages with statuses of rejected or failed.

Delivery and read reports

For each RCS message that you send, the integration provides real-time delivery and read reports. These reports help you track when messages are sent, delivered, and seen, offering clarity on message delivery and customer reactions for campaign evaluation.

  • Delivery reports: In case of a failure, you will receive a delivery failure status event immediately and an error explanation indicating the reason behind it.
  • Read/seen reports: In case the message was delivered successfully, this report will additionally inform you whether the message has been seen by the recipient.

In cases of messages returning rejected or failed statuses, the integration provides error explanations in the error property of the campaign event. For more information on error explanations see list of Sinch Error Codes and Infobip Error Codes.

Message statuses

Engagement has the following RCS message statuses:

Status valueDescription
enqueuedEnqueued the message to the service provider
enqueued_failedCould not enqueue the message to the service provider
deliveredMessage was successfully delivered from the service provider to the customer's device
sentMessage was submitted to the network for delivery
failedMessage not delivered, typically due to a failure or temporary problem
rejectedMessage delivery was rejected by the service provider
incoming_messageInbound RCS message or reply from a campaign recipient (requires Two-Way Messaging)
readMessage was read or seen by the customer

Waiting period

Delivery reports may take up to 4 days to be received, depending on the destination country and operator. All possible delivery reports are tracked within the first 4 days after sending the message.

Countries without delivery reports

Some countries do not provide delivery reports for RCS & SMS messages. These countries include: Bangladesh, Benin, Brazil, Burundi, Cambodia, Germany, Guadeloupe, Guam, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Kuwait, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mexico, Nauru, Northern Mariana Islands, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Samoa, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Wallis, and Futuna Islands.



  • RCS technology providers: You must register and undergo verification with RCS technology providers. You can send RCS messages only after securing this required approval.
  • Mobile network operations: In some countries, mobile network operators (MNOs) require you to complete additional checks to use their services for RCS messages. Country-specific regulations and terms of RCS use are subject to change. Contact your CSM or CS team for country-specific information or questions.
  • Opt-in and opt-out: You must enable users to opt in and out of communication. Subscribers must have the option to unsubscribe from RCS communication by request. After users opt out, you must not send them further communication unless they choose to opt back in. After obtaining opt-in from users, you can send them any RCS communications at any time.
  • Brand validation: Brand validation is a carrier-specific procedure designed to ensure each brand and sender created with a technology provider complies with Google, local rules, and laws. This process varies by carrier or provider and are subject to change. Maintaining brand validation ensures a smooth and lawful operation of the RCS channel within the respective markets operated.

Prohibited content

Certain types of content are strictly prohibited from being transmitted via the RCS channel. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Counterfeit goods: Items labeled as knock-off, replica, imitation, clone, faux, fake, mirror image, or similar terms.
  • Dangerous products or services: Items or services causing damage, harm, or injury, including illegal drugs, drug-use equipment, explosives, fireworks, weapons, and guides for making harmful products.
  • Content that enables dishonest behaviors: Items, services, or content aiding in deception, such as fake documents, drug test aids, paper-writing or exam-taking services, and tools for unauthorized access to systems or property.
  • Dangerous or derogatory content: Content seen as exploiting or being insensitive to disasters, conflicts, deaths, political violence, or other tragic events without benefit to victims.
  • Animal cruelty: Content promoting or depicting cruelty or unnecessary violence towards animals, or involving products from endangered species.
  • Adult content: Sexually explicit, suggestive content, or promoting sexual themes, activities, or escort services. Sexual exploitation of minors is strictly prohibited.
  • Tobacco: Content promoting the sale or use of tobacco, tobacco-containing products, or items mimicking smoking.
  • Political content: Business messages must not include political campaign content, opinion polls, election integrity discussions, or predictions. Other political content must comply with local laws.
  • Unauthorized content: Content, products, or services using copyrighted or trademarked material without permission, or legally restricted content.

Restricted content

Certain types of content may be restricted and subject to additional scrutiny or compliance requirements when transmitted via the RCS channel. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Alcohol: Content, products, or services promoting the branding, sales, or consumption of alcoholic beverages. Irresponsible alcohol consumption promotion is prohibited.
  • Gambling and games: Content, products, or services related to gambling, including physical casinos, offline and online gambling, lotteries, promotional offers for gambling sites, and social casino games.
  • Healthcare-related products and services: Content, products, or services promoting prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, medical supplies, online pharmacies, unapproved substances, clinical trial recruitment, HIV home tests, abortion, birth control products, and miracle cures.
  • SHAFT compliance: Clients must ensure CTIA’s SHAFT compliance in US and other relevant regions, including content related to sex, hate, alcohol, firearms, and tobacco.