SDK development

Work with the Flutter SDK source code.

SDK development guide

The project consists of Flutter code in the /lib folder, a native Android module in /android, and a native iOS module in /ios. To see SDK functionality in action, we provide an example application you can find in /example.


  • We use flutter_test to run unit tests. Use flutter test to run unit tests.


The Android native module is written in Kotlin, since that's also used for our native Android SDK.

  • We use JUnit4 to run unit tests. Use ./gradlew test to run unit tests.


The iOS native module is written in Swift, since that's also used for our native iOS SDK.

  • We use CocoaPods to manage dependencies. You'll see a Podfile that defines dependencies for the "standalone" Xcode project that we use to develop the iOS native module. These pods won't be part of the released package, the .podspec file is located at package level. Run pod install before opening the Xcode project and starting development.
  • We use quick to write tests, you can run them directly in XCode.