Initial SDK setup
Install and configure the Flutter SDK
Install the SDK
The Exponea Flutter SDK can be installed or updated through a dependency in your app's pubspec. CocoaPods is required to set up the iOS app.
Refer to for the latest Exponea Android SDK release.
Add dependency
In your project's pubspec.yaml
file, add a dependency to the Exponea Flutter SDK under dependencies:
exponea: 1.6.0
Optionally, you can specify a minimum version (for example, ^1.6.0
) or a version range (for example, >=1.6.0 < 2.0.0
) instead of a specific version. Refer to Version constraints in the Dart dependencies documentation for details.
iOS setup
To resolve the Exponea SDK dependencies for the iOS app, first cd
into the ios
directory in your project:
cd ios
Then run the following command:
pod install
The minimum supported iOS version for the SDK is 11.0. You may need to change the iOS version on the first line of your ios/Podfile
to platform :ios, '11.0'
, or higher.
Android setup
The minimum supported Android API level for the SDK is 21. You may need to set or update minSdkVersion
in android/app/build.gradle
to 21
or higher:
android {
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 21
Initialize the SDK
Now that you have installed the SDK in your project, you must import, configure, and initialize the SDK in your application code.
The required configuration parameters are projectToken
, authorizationToken
, and baseURL
. You can find these in the Bloomreach Engagement webapp under Project settings
> Access management
Refer to Mobile SDKs API access management for details.
Import the SDK:
import 'package:exponea/exponea.dart';
Initialize the SDK:
final _plugin = ExponeaPlugin();
final configuration = ExponeaConfiguration(
projectToken: 'YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN',
authorizationToken: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
// default baseUrl value is
_plugin.configure(configuration).catchError((error) {
print('Error: $error');
return false;
Configure the SDK only once
Flutter application code can be reloaded without restarting the native application itself. This speeds up the development process, but it also means that native code usually continues to run as if nothing happened. You should configure the SDK only once. When developing with hot reload enabled, you should check ExponeaPlugin().isConfigured()
before configuring the SDK.
Future<void> configureExponea(ExponeaConfiguration configuration) {
try {
if (!await _plugin.isConfigured()) {
} else {
print("Exponea SDK already configured.");
} catch (error) {
print('Error: $error');
At this point, the SDK is active and should now be tracking sessions in your app.
Other SDK configuration
Advanced configuration
The SDK can be further configured by setting additional properties of the ExponeaConfiguration
object. For a complete list of available configuration parameters, refer to the Configuration documentation.
Log level
The SDK supports the following log levels defined in LogLevel
Log level | Description |
off | Disables all logging |
error | Serious errors or breaking issues |
warning | Warnings and recommendations + error |
info | Informative messages + warning + error |
debug | Debugging information + info + warning + error |
verbose | Information about all SDK actions + debug + info + warning + error . |
The default log level is info
. While developing or debugging, setting the log level to debug
or verbose
can be helpful.
You can set the log level at runtime as follows:
Data flushing
Read Data flushing to learn more about how the SDK uploads data to the Engagement API and how to customize this behavior.
Updated 3 months ago