Initial SDK setup

Install and configure the iOS SDK

Install the SDK

The Exponea iOS SDK can be installed or updated using CocoaPods, Carthage, or Swift Package Manager.

The instructions below are for Xcode 15.1 and may differ if you use a different Xcode version.


  1. Install CocoaPods if you haven't done so yet.

  2. Create a file named Podfile in your Xcode project folder.

  3. Add the following to your Podfile

    platform :ios, '13.0'
    target 'YourAppTarget' do
      pod "ExponeaSDK"

    (Replace 13.0 with your desired iOS deployment target and YourAppTarget with your app target's name)

  4. In a terminal window, navigate to your Xcode project folder and run the following command:

    pod install
  5. Open the file HelloWorld.xcworkspace, located in your project folder, in XCode.

  6. In Xcode, select your project, then select the Build Settings tab. Under Build Options, change User Script Sandboxing from Yes to No.

Optionally, you can specify the ExponeaSDK version as follows to let pod automatically any smaller than minor version updates:

pod "ExponeaSDK", "~> 3.0.1"

For more information, refer to Specifying pod versions in the Cocoapods documentation.


  1. Install Carthage if you haven't done so yet.
  2. Create a file named Cartfile in your Xcode project folder.
  3. Add the following line to your Cartfile
    github "exponea/exponea-ios-sdk"
  4. In a terminal window, navigate to your Xcode project folder and run the following command:
    carthage update exponea-ios-sdk --use-xcframeworks --platform iOS
  5. Open your Xcode project and navigate to your application target's settings. On the General tab, find the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section.
  6. Open Finder, navigate to the Carthage/Build folder inside your project folder, and drag and drop every *.xcframework folder inside it to the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section in Xcode.
    XCFRameworks added to Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content

Swift Package Manager

  1. In Xcode, navigate to Xcode -> Settings -> Accounts and add your GitHub account if you haven't done so yet.
  2. Open File -> Add Package Dependencies...
  3. In the dialog that appears, enter the Exponia iOS SDK repository URL in the search box.
  4. In the Dependency Rule section, select the SDK version.
    Add Package Dependencies dialog
  5. Click on Add Package.
  6. In the next dialog, make sure ExponeaSDK and ExponeaSDK-Notifications are both selected.
    Choose Packages dialog
  7. Click on Add Package.

Initialize the SDK

Now that you have installed the SDK in your project, you must import, configure, and initialize the SDK in your application code.

The required configuration parameters are projectToken, authorization.token, and baseUrl. You can find these as Project token, API Token, and API Base URL in the Bloomreach Engagement webapp under Project settings > Access management > API:

Project token, API Base URL, and API key


Refer to Mobile SDKs API access management for details.

Import the SDK:

import ExponeaSDK

Initialize the SDK:

		projectToken: "YOUR PROJECT TOKEN",
		authorization: .token("YOUR API KEY"),
		baseUrl: ""
	pushNotificationTracking: .disabled

Your AppDelegate's application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method is typically a good place to do the initialization but, depending on your application design, it can be anywhere in your code.

At this point, the SDK is active and should now be tracking customers and events in your app.

SDK initialization immediately creates a new customer profile with a new cookie soft ID unless the customer has been identified previously.


Refer to Tracking for details on which events are automatically tracked by the SDK.


Configuring the SDK using a plist file is deprecated but still supported for backward compatibility.

Other SDK configuration

Advanced configuration

The SDK can be further configured by providing additional parameters to the configure method. For a complete list of available configuration parameters, refer to the Configuration documentation.

Log level

The SDK supports the following log levels:

Log levelDescription
.noneDisables all logging
.errorSerious errors or breaking issues
.warningWarnings and recommendations + .error
.verboseInformation about all SDK actions + .warning + .error.

The default log level is .warn. While developing or debugging, setting the log level to .verbose can be helpful.

You can set the log level at runtime as follows:

Exponea.logger.logLevel = .verbose


For better visibility, log messages from the SDK are prefixed with [EXP-iOS].


Read Authorization to learn more about the different authorization modes supported by the SDK and how to use customer token authorization.

Data flushing

Read Data flushing to learn more about how the SDK uploads data to the Engagement API and how to customize this behavior.