Loomi Analytics Assistant (Beta)

Loomi Analytics Assistant allows you to generate analysis (report, funnel, trend, segmentation) and definition (metrics, aggregate) by asking questions or sending requests in human language.


Loomi Analytics Assistant availability in BETA

This feature is currently available in the BETA version, but we are working on its improvement.

Why Use Loomi Analytics Assistant

We want to help you quickly create any analysis and get insights from data without a steep learning curve and hours spent building it. Watch this short video to learn more about Loomi Analytics Assistant.

How Loomi Analytics Assistant Works

Getting Started with Loomi Analytics Assistant


This feature is in private Beta and is in internal testing.

  1. Open Loomi Analytics Assistant by clicking on the Star Icon in the top right corner
  1. Find the text field and start writing your request
  2. Click on the Send button or press Enter to send a request
  1. Once your analysis or definition is created, check the results before making decisions. This is just an experimental feature.
  2. Provide feedback. We strive for perfection, and your feedback is gold for us. Please, in a best-case scenario, provide feedback for each response by clicking on the Thumb Up icon to send positive feedback or Thumb Down to send negative feedback. Also, try to specify what exactly was wrong or, in the opposite, what was good.

Use Case Examples

The Loomi Analytics Assistant always tries to provide the best answers and responses possible.

Build reports - "Show me email campaign evaluation with metrics - sent, delivered, open, click, open-rate, and click rate all in last 30 days drilled down by country
Build trends - "Show me the trend of Sessions start event in the last 7 days"
Build metrics - "Create metric defining active users in the last 7 days"
Build segmentation - "Create segmentation based on the number of purchases"
Build aggregate - "Create aggregate defining total spend"
Build expression - "Create an expression defining the time between purchase and the last clicked campaigns

Known Limits

Each conversation is limited to 5 requests.
There is a length limit for each conversation. The limit is based on the number of characters. When the limit is hit, an error occurs.
The Assistant can not provide any guidance based on project data - The Assistant can work only with analytics definitions.
The Assistant can not make any adjustments to the definition, which was created manually.
The Assistant can not refer to any existing definition or analysis.
The Assistant can not build Event segmentation.
The Assistant can not build Flows.
The Assistant can not build Geo Analysis.
The Assistant can not build Retention.