Geo Analyses

The Geo Analyses feature plots your customer's activities on a world map. The resulting chart provides insights into the geographical distribution of your customer's activities: are key customers concentrated in urbanized environments or are they scattered around a particular region? Are there differences in the Average Order Value per region?

This step-by-step guide will help you to create a Geo Analysis that answers such questions about your customer base.

You can also watch this video to get an overview of the basic features in geo analyses:

How to Create a Geo Analysis

1. Create a new Geo Analysis

a. Navigate to Analyses -> Geo Analyses

b. Click on the + sign next to the Geo Analyses item in the drop-down menu.

c. You will now see the edit window with a new, empty Geo Analysis Definition.

2. Configure your Geo Analysis Definition

a. Select a LOCATION PRESET from the drop-down menu in the Geo Analysis Definition pane.You can find more details about the options in the Location Preset paragraph below.

b. Click on Add to metrics to select a customer attribute.

c. Choose Size to map the values of this attribute to the size of the dot on the map, or Color to map the values to the colors of the dots.

d. Press the Preview button on the upper right-hand side of the page.

Further Details

Location preset

These options are available from your drop-down menu:

First sessionThis option will take the data from first occurrence of event session_start per customer, and will take attributes latitude and longitude that are present there by default. This will, by default work as an aggregate from all customer events.
Last sessionThis option will take the data from last occurrence of event session_start per customer.
All sessionsThis option will count all sessions as individual occurrences, and will not be unique per customer.
CustomThis option enables you to define your own source of data, be it an event attribute or customer attribute. When selecting an event attribute, you can specify the latitude and longitude only from one event type. Event filters, customer filters and date filters then appear, allowing for further customization.


By default, Geo Analyses display the number of occurrences (of customers or events) based on which was chosen in the location preset. You can then specify new metrics to be displayed per location, as in the screenshot below. Furthermore, one metric can be chosen to influence the size of the dot, and one metric can be chosen to influence the color of the dot based on the selected heatmap.

When Size or Color is already chosen for one metric, and will be chosen for a new metric, the setting will be removed from the original one. If you wish for more metrics to influence the color or size of the dot, please create a new metric and design your own formula that will be considered.

Other Features

Navigating the Map

You can roam freely around the map by clicking the left mouse button and dragging the map. You can also use the mouse wheel to zoom in, or rotate the map and switch into 3D mode by using right mouse button.

Direct Execution Menu

Holding down the SHIFT key and selecting an area on the map opens the Direct Execution menu. This feature can show you the customers in that area or allows you to target them directly by sending them a campaign.

Show customers will transfer you to Data & Assets -> Customers. Two filters will be set, matching either attribute or funnel as specified within the location preset, and ranging from the values as selected from the map.

Send campaign will create a new scenario with the condition that is specified with the same logic as when showing customers.


Geoanalyses in public dashboards

Geoanalyses in public dashboards are only visible to users that have an Engagement account and are currently logged-in.

What´s next?

Learn how to clone your geo analysis into another project that you have access to in our Cloning article.