Saving and Cloning of Scenarios

It is recommended that you save your work in the Bloomreach Engagement app regularly and frequently. This is also valid for scenarios. Save scenarios often, particularly after important and complicated changes, to avoid losing work.

Scenario usage warnings

To optimize your campaign's structure, the Scenarios check and inform you about potential usage issues. Results (and possible warnings) of these checks are shown as a warning message in the sidebar of the TEST tab or in the “Confirm scenario execution” modal window when starting a campaign.

The warning messages have an informational purpose and should help you identify and resolve any usage issues that might negatively influence the performance of the given scenarios and/or all scenarios running in parallel.

Implemented usage checks are for the following errors.

Jinja condition error

  • This occurs when a condition node containing Jinja in some of its filter’s conditions processes more than 100K customers in one run. This can be detrimental to the performance of the whole instance’s campaign structure.
  • This results in a warning message: "Too many customers areprocessed by condition node #1 containing Jinja. Don't use Jinja in condition nodes for processing more than 100K customers in one run if the personalized filters are likely to be highly unique - i.e., almost every customer might have a different final filter."

Set property node error

  • Occurs when the sum of customers entering all the Set attribute nodes of a campaign exceeds 1 million.
  • Results in a warning message: "Set attribute actions count exceeds the recommended limit. Please, try limiting the "Set attribute" node usage to a maximum of 1M updates in one run."

Dynamic wait node error

  • Occurs when a wait node with a dynamic time period parameter (containing Jinja) is processing more than 200K customers.
  • Results in a warning message: "Dynamic wait node #2 is processing too many customers in one run. If possible, consider reducing their count to less than 200K by using filtering conditions before letting them enter the wait node."

Node count error

  • Occurs when a scenario contains more than 100 nodes.
  • Results in a warning message: "There are too many nodes in this scenario. Consider reducing the number of nodes to fewer than 100 for optimal performance."

Save scenario as a copy

The function "Save as new" enables making a duplicate of the current scenario. It is also used when overwriting the original version of the scenario is not desired. Saving the scenario as new will create a brand new scenario with a new campaign ID but with the same nodes, settings, and scenario flow.

Clone scenarios to other projects

See "Cloning" section.