
Full configuration reference for the Flutter SDK

This page provides an overview of all configuration parameters for the SDK. In addition to the universal parameters, there are Android-specific and iOS-specific parameters.


Refer to Initialize the SDK for instructions.

Configuration parameters

The following parameters are specified in an ExponeaConfiguration object. Refer to lib/src/data/model/configuration.dart for the complete Dart definition.

  • projectToken (required)

    • Your project token. You can find this in the Engagement web app under Project settings > Access management > API.
  • authorization (required)

  • baseURL

    • Your API base URL which can be found in the Engagement web app under Project settings > Access management > API.
    • Default value
    • If you have custom base URL, you must set this property.
  • projectMapping

    • If you need to track some events to a different Engagement project, you can define a mapping between event types and Engagement projects.
    • An event is always tracked to the default project and any projects it is mapped to.
    • Example:
      projectMapping: {
        EventType.banner: [
            projectToken: 'other-project-token',
            authorizationToken: 'other-auth-token',
  • defaultProperties

    • A list of properties to include in all tracking events.
    • You can change these properties at runtime by calling ExponeaPlugin().setDefaultProperties().
    • You can also override default session event properties. For example, if you don't want to track the customer's IP address, you can include the property ip with an empty string value.
  • automaticSessionTracking

    • Flag to control the automatic tracking of session_start and session_end events.
    • Default value: true
  • sessionTimeout

    • The session is the actual time spent in the app. It starts when the app is launched and ends when the app goes into the background.
    • When the application goes into the background, the SDK doesn't track the end of the session right away but waits a bit for the user to come back before doing so. You can configure the timeout by setting this property.
    • Read more about Tracking Sessions
  • pushTokenTrackingFrequency

    • Indicates the frequency with which the SDK should track the push notification token to Engagement.
    • Default value: TokenFrequency.onTokenChange
    • Possible values:
      • .onTokenChange - tracks push token if it differs from a previously tracked one
      • .everyLaunch - always tracks push token
      • .daily - tracks push token once per day
  • flushMaxRetries

    • Controls how many times the SDK should attempt to flush an event before aborting. Useful for example in case the API is down or some other temporary error happens.
    • The SDK will consider the data to be flushed if this number is exceeded and delete the data from the queue.
    • Default value: 10
  • advancedAuthEnabled

  • inAppContentBlockPlaceholdersAutoLoad

    • Automatically load the contents of in-app content blocks assigned to these Placeholder IDs.
  • android

  • ios

Android-specific configuration parameters

The following parameters are specified in an AndroidExponeaConfiguration object. Refer to lib/src/data/model/configuration.dart for the complete Dart definition

  • automaticPushNotifications

    • By default, the SDK will set up a Firebase service and try to process push notifications sent from the Engagement platform automatically. You can opt out by setting this to false.
    • Default value: true
  • pushIcon

    • Android resource ID of the icon to be used for push notifications.
  • pushAccentColor

    • Accent color of push notification icon and buttons.
  • pushChannelName

  • pushChannelDescription

  • pushChannelId

  • pushNotificationImportance

  • httpLoggingLevel

    • Level of HTTP request/response logging.

iOS-specific configuration parameters

The following parameters are specified in an IOSExponeaConfiguration object. Refer to lib/src/data/model/configuration.dart for the complete Dart definition

  • requirePushAuthorization

    • The SDK can check push notification authorization status (Apple documentation) and only track the push token if the user is authorized to receive push notifications.
    • When disabled, the SDK will automatically register for push notifications on app start and track the token to Engagement so your app can receive silent push notifications.
    • When enabled, the SDK will automatically register for push notifications if the app is authorized to show push notifications to the user.
    • Unless you're only using silent notifications, keep the default value true.
  • appGroup

    • App group used for communication between the main app and notification extensions. This is a required field for rich push notification setup.