Release Notes

Exponea Flutter SDK Release Notes


Refer to the SDK version update guide for details on updating from version 0.x.x to 1.x.x.

Release Notes

Release Notes for 1.7.0

August 07, 2024

  • Added:
    • Introduces improved SDK documentation at
    • Updates native Android SDK to version 3.16.0.
    • Updates native iOS SDK to version 2.28.0.
    • Extends the SDK API with:
      • In-app content block callback and tracking methods
      • In-app message callbacks and tracking methods
      • A method to track payment events
      • Methods related to handling and tracking push notifications
  • Fixed:
    • Fixes incorrectly mapped parameters in trackAppInboxClick.
    • Fixes incorrect links and other minor issues in the documentation.

Release Notes for 1.6.0

March 08, 2024

  • Features
    • Added In-app messages callback handler to define your customised message action handling
    • Android PUSH notification permission request support
    • Documentation extended with PUSH notification payload structure description, PUSH handling and more
    • Anonymize feature has been described with more details in documentation

Release Notes for 1.5.0

January 29, 2024

  • Features
    • In-app content block feature has been added into SDK
    • Dart SDK version increased to 2.17.0
    • Flutter minimal version increased to 3.0.0
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed: Bad handling of native errors to Flutter ones causes crash
    • Fixed: Wrong data types for App Inbox params showIcon and enabled

Release Notes for 1.4.2

October 11, 2023

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed: requireNotConfigured() used in isRead and other methods

Release Notes for 1.4.1

August 15, 2023

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed: Mapping of is_read vs isRead and create_time vs createTime
    • Fixed: Registration of App Inbox button for iOS part

Release Notes for 1.4.0

April 28, 2023

  • Features
    • Native SDK updated - Android to 3.5.0
    • Support section added to main Readme

Release Notes for 1.3.1

March 15, 2023

  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed: Parsing pushAccentColor with support of ARGB format
    • Fixed: Handles empty/null push notification data correctly

Release Notes for 1.3.0

March 03, 2023

  • Features
    • Added App Inbox feature with PUSH and HTML - Inbox message type support
    • Added support for Customer token authorization

Release Notes for 1.2.0

February 02, 2023

  • Features
    • Native SDK updated - Android to 3.2.1 and iOS to 2.13.1
    • Added Configuration flag to be able to disable tracking of default properties along with customer properties
    • Guiding documentation added for Push notification update after certain circumstances
    • Added documentation notes about tracking consent according to DSGVO/GDPR
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed: Update minimal iOS supported version in doc

Release Notes for 1.1.0

September 02, 2022

  • Features
    • Added a support of HTML InApp messages
    • Shows a warn log for developer if old SDK version is used
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed: Version upgrade guide is linked from README and Release Notes documentations
    • Fixed: License established to MIT
    • Fixed: Duplicated push open action track is not called on app cold start

Release Notes for 1.0.0

March 23, 2022

Release Notes for 0.2.1

August 12, 2021

  • Fixes
    • Package usage in

Release Notes for 0.2.0

August 12, 2021

  • Features
    • Universal links and app links

Release Notes for 0.1.1

July 21, 2021

  • Features
    • Telemetry
    • Push notifications for iOS
    • Documentation

Release Notes for 0.1.0

July 8, 2021

  • Features
    • Initial release with base functionality of the mobile SDKs - tracking, in-app messages, fetching
    • Push notifications for Android