JS SDK Configuration

SDK is configured using a configuration object passed into the integration snippet and the exponea.start() method. Almost all configuration options are optional and have a default value. You can change them by setting their value in the configuration object.

See the Initialization section for more information about how to initialize SDK. This page documents all configuration options, their default and possible values, and their description.


!function(e,n,t,i,r,a,c){function // ... the rest of the snippet ...
    target: "https://api.exponea.com",
    token: "323d7a16-ba47-12c9-8c2d-0a770a310d68",
    customer: "john.smith@exponea.com",
    ping: {
      enabled: true
    // other configuration options go here

Global options


Note that the configuration options target, token and compliance can only be used in the configuration section of the integration snippet, and not in the call to start().

NameDefault valuePossible valuesDescription
token (required)nonestringYour project token. Find your project token in the project settings. See Tracking for more information.
target'https://api.exponea.com'Valid API endpoint URL string. It is recommended to always use the https protocol.The API endpoint SDK will use for sending and requesting data. For example, SDK will use this URL to send tracked events and request web layers.
compliance.opt_infalsebooleanIf set to true, track commands called before the start() will not be executed and resets the visitor cookie after calling the start() command.

If set to false (default), commands called before the start() will be executed right after the start() command and existing visitor cookies will be used.
utm_alwaysfalsebooleanIf true, the UTM parameters specified in utm_params are added as properties to every tracked event.
utm_params[ 'utm_source', 'utm_medium', 'utm_campaign', 'utm_term', 'utm_content', 'gclid', 'campaign_id', ]array of stringsThe list of UTM parameters added to tracked events if utm_always is enabled. The parameters are always added to session events session_start and session_end.
track_hash_changes (deprecated since version v2.2.0)truebooleanThis parameter is deprecated. Use spa_reloading.on_hash_change instead.
transfer_identitytruebooleanIf true, customer identity is obtained from the URL. This is useful, for example, when a customer clicks on a link in an email you sent them with Email campaigns.
debug (new since version v2.0.0)falsebooleanControls whether SDK prints debug messages to the console.
file_pathSDK target + '/js/exponea.min.js'stringIf specified, the integration snippet uses this URL to load the SDK file. Note that you have to provide a full URL to a Javascript file including the file name and the protocol.
new_experiments (new since version v2.4.0)falseboolean or an object with optionsUsed to enable and control how Experiments are applied on your page. This option specifically enables the improved implementation. Read more in the documentation for experiments.
new_experiments.mode (new since version v2.4.0)asyncsync or asyncSpecifies whether experiments are applied synchronously (blocking the page rendering) or asynchronously (hiding the page while they are loading).
new_experiments.timeout (new since version v2.4.0)4000numberMaximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that the main page is blocked or hidden while the experiments are loading. Read more in Integrating and using Experiments.

Note that the integration snippet does not contain any validation for correct values here. It only makes sense to provide a positive number for this option so have that in mind. 0 is also not valid here and the snippet will use the default timeout value instead.
new_experiments.hide_class (new since version v2.4.0)xnpe_async_hidestringThe CSS class name of the element used to hide the main page content. This is only used in the async mode.
service_worker_path (new since version v2.20.0)/service-worker.jsstringEnables you to customize a file path for the service worker.

Configuring a service worker is required when new_experiment.mode is set to sync.

Read more about synchronous solutions with a service worker in our guide.


Basic SDK configuration:

!function(e,n,t,i,r,a,c){function // ... the rest of the snippet ...
    target: "https://api.exponea.com",
    token: "323d7a16-ba47-12c9-8c2d-0a770a310d68",

Customer options

NameDefault valuePossible valuesDescription
customer{}number, string, or an object with customer IDsAllows you to identify your customer. If a number or a string is passed, this is used as the customer ID named registered. Otherwise, you can pass in an object with customer IDs (see the example below). Read more about tracking customers in Tracking.


Identify a customer with an email:

  customer: 'john.smith@exponea.com'

Specify more customer IDs:

  customer: {
    registered: 'john.smith@exponea.com',
    my_id: 12

Tracking options

NameDefault valuePossible valuesDescription
track.autotruebooleanEnables automatic tracking set up in Data manager > Automatic web tracking in your Bloomreach Engagement project.
track.visitsfalsebooleanIf true, SDK tracks page_visit events for each page visited. This event contains the current URL and the referrer.
track.visits_query_params[ 'pers_position', 'pers_content' ]array of stringsAllows you to specify which URL query parameters are parsed and added to the page_visit event. Ignored if track.visits is false.
track.activityfalsebooleanEnables tracking of user activity. If true and the customer is active on the page, SDK tracks user_active events with start, end, and duration properties.
track.unloadsfalsebooleanIf true, SDK tracks a web_unload event once the customer unloads the page.
track.exitstrueboolean or a function (see examples below)If true, SDK automatically tracks all links with the data-exponea-track attribute. When a customer clicks on the link, SDK tracks a web_exit event with current URL and the link's href URL.

Alternatively, you can specify a function returning a custom event name and properties. This function is called with the link element as the only argument.
track.default_properties{}objectEvent properties added to every tracked event.
track.google_analyticstruebooleanIf true, SDK uses Google Analytics SDK on the page to track Google Analytics ID for the current customer.


Tracking page visits with custom URL parameters:

  track: {
    visits: true,
    visits_query_params: [
      'product_id' // this would work with https://www.example.com/?product_id=123

Tracking web exits:

  track: {
    exits: true

Using a custom event name and properties for tracking web exits:

  track: {
    exits: link => {
      return {
        type: 'custom_exit',
        properties: {
          current_url: location.href,
          target_url: link.href

Ping options

NameDefault valuePossible valuesDescription
ping.enabledtruebooleanIf true, SDK tracks customer sessions, including first_session, by tracking session_start and session_end events. This is done by periodically "pinging" our servers while the customer is active.
ping.interval120numberHow often, in seconds, SDK pings our servers while the customer is active.
ping.activity (new since version v2.0.2)falseboolean or an object with specified activity types, see examples belowIf true, the customer session is tracked only while the customer is active on the page. When the customer stops using the page, their session ends and the session_end event is tracked. If false, SDK does not check for user activity and only ends the session when the customer closes the page.

You can also pass in an object with specific customer events enabled/disabled. In such case, only these will be considered a customer activity. See examples below.

Read more about this feature in a dedicated page about Ghost sessions.
ping.properties{}objectAllows you to add custom properties to the session_start and session_end events.


Enable session tracking:

  ping: {
    enabled: true

Here's how to specify which events to consider as a customer activity:

  ping: {
    activity: {
      click: true, // clicks are considered an activity
      move: false, // moving the mouse is not
      scroll: false // and neither is scrolling on the page
      // 'key' property is left as default, true, which means that pressing keys
      // is considered an activity

Specify custom event properties:

  ping: {
    properties: {
      current_path: location.pathname,
      last_product: localStorage.getItem('last_product_id')

Cookies options

NameDefault valuePossible valuesDescription
cookies.cross_subdomaintrueboolean or stringIf true, SDK cookies are valid on both the current domain and all its subdomains. If false, the cookies are restricted only to the current (sub)domain.

You can also specify the domain name manually by passing in a string.
cookies.path (new since SDK version v2.16.0)/stringAllows you to modify the path for cookies set by the SDK.
cookies.retrieve_callbacknullfunctionIf specified, this callback function is called with the customer's cookie when SDK initializes.
cookies.expires (new since SDK version v2.12.0 and integration snippet version v2.3.0){ tracking: 94608000, ab_test: 94608000, time: 3600, }number, Date, or an objectExpiration setting for cookies used by the SDK.

If you use a number, this is used as the maximum age of cookies in seconds. If you use a Date object, this is used as the expiration date. You can either specify a single value for all cookies, or an object with separate expiration for each cookie category – tracking, ab_test, and time.

By default, tracking and ab_test cookies expire in 3 years and time cookies expire in 1 hour.


When integrating the SDK, it's crucial to have "cookie" as one of the soft IDs. This is essential for ensuring all functionalities and features work correctly.


Set a 6 month expiration for all cookies:

  cookies: {
    expires: 182 * 24 * 3600 // = 182 days

Set a 1 year expiration for tracking cookies, 1 month expiration for AB test cookies, and leave the time cookie expiration as default:

  cookies: {
    expires: {
      tracking: 365 * 24 * 3600, // = 1 year
      ab_test: 30 * 24 * 3600, // = 30 days

Here's how to use a Date to set the expiration date of cookies.


When using a Date, never use an absolute date for expiration. Always calculate the expiration date from the current date.

Otherwise, when your date value in the SDK config expires - becomes date in the past, the SDK will use the default expiration values.

  cookies: {
    expires: new Date(Date.now() + 3600 * 24 * 1000) // = always 1 day from now.
                                                     // careful! `expires` takes seconds but
                                                     // `new Date` takes milliseconds

Dependency options

NameDefault valuePossible valuesDescription
dependencies{}objectSpecify dependency names and their URLs. SDK uses the URL to download the dependency when it is requested.


Load the exp framework which is available by default:


exponea.loadDependency('exp', error => {
  if (error) {
  // you can use window.Exp here

Specify and load a custom dependency:

  dependencies: {
    lodash: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.4/lodash.js'

exponea.loadDependency('lodash', error => {
  if (error) {
  // you can use window._ here

Web optimization options

NameDefault valuePossible valuesDescription
webOptimizationtrueboolean or an object with specific optimization types, see examples belowIf true, SDK fetches web optimization campaigns from your project and executes them on the page. These are Web layers, Experiments, and Tag Manager tags.

You can also pass in an object with specific optimization types enabled/disabled. See examples below


Fine-tune which web optimization campaigns you want to run on the page:

  webOptimization: {
    experiments: false,
    tagManager: true,
    webLayers: true


Please be aware that by using 'webOptimization: { webLayers: false}', the weblayers are disabled entirely, not just the 'optimization' part.

Push notifications options

NameDefault valuePossible valuesDescription
push.safari.websitePushIDnullstringIf you are using Safari Push Notifications, specify your website push ID using this option.

Single-page application options


All options in this section are supported as of version v2.2.0.

NameDefault valuePossible valuesDescription
spa_reloading.on_hash_changetruebooleanIf true, SDK watches for URL hash changes and reloads the data specified.
spa_reloading.on_url_changetruebooleanIf true, SDK watches for URL changes and reloads the data specified.
spa_reloading.bannerstruebooleanControls whether SDK reloads Web layers on URL change.
spa_reloading.experimentstruebooleanControls whether SDK reloads Experiments on URL change.

Note that this only affects the old flickering experiments and not the new guaranteed experiments.
spa_reloading.tagstruebooleanControls whether SDK reloads Tag Manager tags on URL change.
spa_reloading.visitstruebooleanControls whether SDK tracks page_visit event on URL change.
spa_reloading.automatic_trackingtruebooleanControls whether SDK reloads the automatic tracking set up in Data manager > Automatic web tracking.


Disable all options at once:

  spa_reloading: false

Ignore URL hash changes and only reload the specified data:

  spa_reloading: {
    on_hash_change: false,
    on_url_change: true,
    visits: false,
    automatic_tracking: false
    // other options are true by default

What´s next?

You have now configured the Bloomreach Engagement SDK. Continue by tracking your customer's events and attributes.