Track customers and events using the Android SDK
You can track events in Engagement to learn more about your app’s usage patterns and to segment your customers by their interactions.
By default, the SDK tracks certain events automatically, including:
- Installation (after app installation and after invoking anonymize)
- User session start and end
- Banner event for showing an in-app message or content block
Additionally, you can track any custom event relevant to your business.
Also see Mobile SDK tracking FAQ at Bloomreach Support Help Center.
Track event
Use the trackEvent()
method to track any custom event type relevant to your business.
You can use any name for a custom event type. We recommended using a descriptive and human-readable name.
Refer to the Custom events documentation for an overview of commonly used custom events.
Name | Type | Description |
properties | PropertiesList | Dictionary of event properties. |
timestamp | Double | Unix timestamp (in seconds) specifying when the event was tracked. Specify nil value to use the current time. |
eventType (required) | String | Name of the event type, for example screen_view . |
Imagine you want to track which screens a customer views. You can create a custom event screen_view
for this.
First, create a PropertiesList
with properties you want to track with this event. In our example, you want to track the name of the screen, so you include a property screen_name
along with any other relevant properties:
val properties = PropertiesList(
Pair("screen_name", "dashboard"),
Pair("other_property", 123.45)
Pass the properties list to trackEvent()
along with the eventType
) as follows:
properties = properties,
timestamp = null,
eventType = "screen_view"
The second example below shows how you can use a nested structure for complex properties if needed:
val properties = PropertiesList(
Pair("purchase_status", "success"),
Pair("product_list", arrayOf(
Pair("product_id", "abc123"),
Pair("quantity", 2)
Pair("product_id", "abc456"),
Pair("quantity", 1)
properties = properties,
timestamp = null,
eventType = "purchase"
Optionally, you can provide a custom
if the event happened at a different time. By default the current time will be used.
Identifying your customers allows you to track them across devices and platforms, improving the quality of your customer data.
Without identification, events are tracked for an anonymous customer, only identified by a cookie. Once the customer is identified by a hard ID, these events will be transferred to a newly identified customer.
Keep in mind that, while an app user and a customer record can be related by a soft or hard ID, they are separate entities, each with their own lifecycle. Take a moment to consider how their lifecycles relate and when to use identify and anonymize.
Use the identifyCustomer()
method to identify a customer using their unique hard ID.
The default hard ID is registered
and its value is typically the customer's email address. However, your Engagement project may define a different hard ID.
Optionally, you can track additional customer properties such as first and last names, age, etc.
Name | Type | Description |
customerIds (required) | CustomerIds | Dictionary of customer unique identifiers. Only identifiers defined in the Engagement project are accepted. |
properties | PropertiesList | Dictionary of customer properties. |
timestamp | Double | Unix timestamp (in seconds) specifying when the customer properties were updated. Specify nil value to use the current time. |
First, create a CustomerIds
dictionary containing at least the customer's hard ID:
val customerIds = CustomerIds().withId("registered","[email protected]")
Optionally, create a dictionary with additional customer properties:
val properties = PropertiesList(
Pair("first_name", "Jane"),
Pair("last_name", "Doe"),
Pair("age", 32)
Pass the customerIds
and properties
dictionaries to identifyCustomer()
customerIds = customerIds,
properties = properties
If you only want to update the customer ID without any additional properties, you can pass a PropertiesList
initialized with an empty HashMap
into properties
customerIds = customerIds,
properties = PropertiesList(hashMapOf())
Optionally, you can provide a custom
if the identification happened at a different time. By default the current time will be used.
Use the anonymize()
method to delete all information stored locally and reset the current SDK state. A typical use case for this is when the user signs out of the app.
Invoking this method will cause the SDK to:
- Remove the push notification token for the current customer from local device storage and the customer profile in Engagement.
- Clear local repositories and caches, excluding tracked events.
- Track a new session start if
is enabled. - Create a new customer record in Engagement (a new
soft ID is generated). - Assign the previous push notification token to the new customer record.
- Preload in-app messages, in-app content blocks, and app inbox for the new customer.
- Track a new
event for the new customer.
You can also use the anonymize
method to switch to a different Engagement project. The SDK will then track events to a new customer record in the new project, similar to the first app session after installation on a new device.
Switch to a different project:
exponeaProject = ExponeaProject(
baseUrl= "",
projectToken= "YOUR PROJECT TOKEN",
authorization= "Token YOUR API KEY"
projectRouteMap = mapOf(
EventType.TRACK_EVENT to listOf(
baseUrl= "",
projectToken= "YOUR PROJECT TOKEN",
authorization= "Token YOUR API KEY"
advancedAuthToken = "YOUR JWT TOKEN"
The SDK tracks sessions automatically by default, producing two events: session_start
and session_end
The session represents the actual time spent in the app. It starts when the application is launched and ends when it goes into the background. If the user returns to the app before the session times out, the application will continue the current session.
The default session timeout is 60 seconds. Set sessionTimeout
in the SDK configuration to specify a different timeout.
Track session manually
To disable automatic session tracking, set automaticSessionTracking
to false
in the SDK configuration.
Use the trackSessionStart()
and trackSessionEnd()
methods to track sessions manually.
The default behavior for manually calling
multiple times can be controlled by the manualSessionAutoClose flag, which is set totrue
by default. If a previous session is still open (i.e. it has not been manually closed withExponea.trackSessionEnd()
) andExponea.trackSessionStart()
is called again, the SDK will automatically track asession_end
for the previous session and then tracks a newsession_start
event. To prevent this behavior, set the manualSessionAutoClose flag tofalse
Push notifications
If developers integrate push notification functionality in their app, the SDK automatically tracks push notifications by default.
In the SDK configuration, you can disable automatic push notification tracking by setting the Boolean value of the automaticPushNotification
property to false
. It is then up to the developer to manually track push notifications.
The behavior of push notification tracking may be affected by the tracking consent feature, which in enabled mode requires explicit consent for tracking. Refer to the consent documentation for details.
Track token manually
Use either the trackPushToken()
(Firebase) or trackHmsPushToken
(Huawei) method to manually track the token for receiving push notifications. The token is assigned to the currently logged-in customer (with the identifyCustomer
Invoking this method will track a push token immediately regardless of the value of the tokenTrackFrequency
configuration parameter.
Each time the app becomes active, the SDK calls verifyPushStatusAndTrackPushToken
and tracks the token.
Name | Type | Description |
token (required) | String | String containing the push notification token. |
Remember to invoke anonymize whenever the user signs out to ensure the push notification token is removed from the user's customer profile. Failing to do this may cause multiple customer profiles share the same token, resulting in duplicate push notifications.
Track push notification delivery manually
Use the trackDeliveredPush()
method to manually track push notification delivery.
Name | Type | Description |
data | NotificationData? | Notification data. |
timestamp | Double | Unix timestamp (in seconds) specifying when the event was tracked. Specify nil value to use the current time. |
Name | Type | Description |
attributes | HashMap<String, Any> | Map of data attributes. |
campaignData | CampaignData | Campaign data. |
consentCategoryTracking | String? | Consent category. |
hasTrackingConsent | Boolean | Indicates whether explicit tracking consent has been obtained. |
hasCustomEventType | Boolean | Indicates whether the notification has a custom event type. |
eventType | String? | Event type for the notification (default: campaign). |
sentTimestamp | Double? | Unix timestamp (in seconds). Specify nil value to use the current time. |
Name | Type | Description |
source | String? | UTM source code. |
campaign | String? | UTM campaign code. |
content | String? | UTM content code. |
medium | String? | UTM method code. |
term | String? | UTM term code. |
payload | String? | Notification payload in JSON format. |
createdAt | Double | Unix timestamp (in seconds). Specify nil value to use the current time. |
completeUrl | String? | Campaign URL, defaults to null for push notifications. |
Refer to UTM parameters in the campaigns documentation for details.
// create NotificationData from your push payload
val notificationData = NotificationData(
dataMap = hashMapOf(
"platform" to "android",
"subject" to "Subject",
"type" to "push",
campaignMap = mapOf(
"utm_campaign" to "Campaign name",
"utm_medium" to "mobile_push_notification",
"utm_content" to "en",
data = notificationData
timestamp = currentTimeSeconds()
Track push notification click manually
Use the trackClickedPush()
method to manually track push notification clicks.
Name | Type | Description |
data | NotificationData? | Notification data. |
actionData | NotificationData? | Action data. |
timestamp | Double? | Unix timestamp (in seconds) specifying when the event was tracked. Specify nil value to use the current time. |
// create NotificationData from your push payload
val notificationData = NotificationData(
dataMap = hashMapOf(
"platform" to "android",
"subject" to "Subject",
"type" to "push",
campaignMap = mapOf(
"utm_campaign" to "Campaign name",
"utm_medium" to "mobile_push_notification",
"utm_content" to "en",
data = notificationData
timestamp = currentTimeSeconds()
The SDK provides a convenience method trackPaymentEvent
to help you track information about a payment for a product or service within the application.
Track payment event
Use the trackPaymentEvent()
method to track payments.
Name | Type | Description |
purchasedItem | PurchasedItem | Dictionary of payment properties. |
First, create a PurchasedItem
containing the basic information about the purchase:
val item = PurchasedItem(
value = 12.34,
currency = "EUR",
paymentSystem = "Virtual",
productId = "handbag",
productTitle = "Awesome leather handbag"
Pass the PurchasedItem
to trackPaymentEvent
as follows:
Exponea.trackPaymentEvent(purchasedItem = item)
If your app uses in-app purchases (for example, purchases with in-game gold, coins, etc.), you can track them with trackPaymentEvent
using Purchase
and SkuDetails
objects used in Google Play Billing Library:
val purchase: = ...
val skuDetails: = ...
val item = PurchasedItem(
value = sku.priceAmountMicros / 1000000.0,
currency = sku.priceCurrencyCode,
paymentSystem = "Google Play",
productId = sku.sku,
productTitle = sku.title,
receipt = purchase.signature
Exponea.trackPaymentEvent(purchasedItem = item)
Default properties
You can configure default properties to be tracked with every event. Note that the value of a default property will be overwritten if the tracking event has a property with the same key.
// Create a new ExponeaConfiguration instance
val configuration = ExponeaConfiguration()
configuration.defaultProperties["thisIsADefaultStringProperty"] = "This is a default string value"
configuration.defaultProperties["thisIsADefaultIntProperty"] = 1
// Start the SDK
Exponea.init(App.instance, configuration)
After initializing the SDK, you can change the default properties by setting Exponea.defaultProperties
Updated 14 days ago