Bounce Management for Non-Mailgun Clients

What to Expect From This Use Case

The Cumulative Bounce Solution is a plan to lessen the overall bounce effect over time. Bounce rates are usually the number of emails that couldn't get through due to reasons like wrong email addresses or full inboxes.

Use Case Items

With this use case, you’ll get a:

  • Cumulative bounce scenario
  • Cumulative bounce dashboard

How to deploy the Use Case

After downloading the use case, follow these steps:

Step 1: Meet the Requirements

Verify if the data in your project meets the requirements. Follow this step-by-step setup guide in case of problems.

Step 2: Understand the Use Case Logic

Cumulative bounce logic helps classify bounces, which can be temporary or permanent, but only after several unsuccessful tries can it be labeled as a permanent bounce. It keeps an eye on repeated soft_bounce campaign events. Depending on the rules set in the Bounce management segmentation, it will first lead to temporary suppression and later, if required, permanent suppression.



Cumulative bounce is currently only available for Mailgun. That is why we created the same logic for other email integrations.

Bounce management segmentation:

bounced_preblocked segment rule3+ soft_bounced in the last 7 days OR 5+ CUMULATIVE soft_bounces throughout any timeframe AND no engagement with email after last soft_bounced
bounced_blocked segment rulesoft_bounced in the last 7 days OR 5+ CUMULATIVE soft_bounces throughout any timeframe AND customer was in the bounced_preblocked segment priviously

Cumulative bounced scenario:

1. Customer email is Preblocked for being sent: Customer received soft_bounced event and was preblocked

Flow triggers on event campaign > status = soft_bounced: A customer received soft_bounced event and was preblocked, then after 14 days status preblocked is changing to bounced_unblocked.

2. Customer email is Blocked for being sent: Customer received soft_bounced event after preblocked period

A customer received a soft_bounced event after the preblocked period. This leads to tracking the invalid_contact event with additional attributes and message = Cumulative bounced scenario so it would be easy to find the block reason. Then track the email_invalid property True and block the email for future sending.

3. Customer email is Valid for sending: A customer received delivered event after preblocked period

A customer received the delivered event after preblocked period. Then clean the cumulative_bounce property

Bounced dashboard

This dashboard contains the main metrics for the control Cumulative bounce rate.



The logic of this use case is built on best practices and only requires adjustments if you want to further customize the use case. Get instant value by launching this campaign in just a few clicks.

However, we highly recommend you adjust the use case design and copy to fit your business needs.

Step 3: Adjust the Use Case

How to use the Cumulative bounce logic?

Add the additional condition to all your scenario flows:
cumulative_ bounce does not equal bounced_blocked

No need to adjust the nodes in the scenario or segmentation itself. Use case should work out of the box.

If you decide to customize the email settings, follow this detailed guide to make the adjustments.

Step 4: Evaluate the Results

Remember to run the use case for a few days to see the impact. Open the Cumulative bounce dashboard to analyze the results.

Additional Resources

Learn more about the use case in this article.