Missing or Invalid Price

Problem and Background

Conversion pixel in with the “price” field in the basket is empty or contains a value that is not a number, is an error. For example, if a price field has value like NaN, undefined, or null then it is considered as not a number.

Debugging Steps

  1. Request the Bloomreach Support team for the list of all conversion pixels in which the “price” field in the basket is empty or contains a value that is not a number. Each example gives the order id and basket value from a conversion pixel. Check the price of each item in the basket.
  2. It will be either 0 or empty or some undefined/null value.
  3. Look up the product id associated with price on your website. If the product has a valid price on the site then there is an issue with the pixel implementation.

Common Causes

This can occur when the price of the item is either undefined or 0 for a product.


Debug and check the order ids and the baskets that are incorrect and fix it using the Pixel tool.


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