Adding products to Recall

This guide gives an overview of the Add to Recall operation. Furthermore, it discusses how to apply this operation to a Search or Category recall set.


Changes in merchandising operations’ behavior with “Add to recall” feature release

  • The Boost to Top and Slot operations in the Visual editor won't force add products to recall as they did earlier for Multi query, Global, and Account level rules.
  • All products with existing Boost to Top and Slot operations applied before this feature release will remain backward compatible and there will be no change in their behavior. All existing Boost to top operations will be migrated to Boost to Top + Add to Recall ON and Slot operations will be migrated to Slot + Add to Recall ON to ensure this.
  • The default state of Add to Recall is OFF unless you have already enabled it for a previous Boost to Top/Slot rule applied to a product.

💡 Prerequisite Knowledge

We recommend that you read the following guides:

  • Product Grid Editor: This will help you understand the interface of the Product Grid Editor used to merchandise search results. You’ll be using the same editor to implement the Add to Recall operation.

  • Boost and position lock your first product: This guide gives an overview of the process of creating a ranking rule. This will provide you with the necessary background for combining Add to Recall with other operations.

What is Add to Recall operation

Bloomreach ensures a relevant search experience for your customers by recalling the most accurate product results.

Our algorithms optimize the ranking and recall of products continuously. However, you might want to customize the recall set as per your merchandising needs.

Add to Recall operation allows you to make changes to the product recall set.

With this operation, you can add a product to the search recall and let the algorithm take care of the product’s placement or you may choose a custom ranking for the product.

You can use Add to Recall to get more visibility for promotional products or newly launched products by adding them to the recall set of multiple queries. This operation can also be used for changing the recall set to clear the inventory of certain products by globally boosting them. The use cases may vary as per your needs.


Add to Recall is supported for Search Ranking rules, Category Ranking rules, Global Ranking configurations, Multi-Query, Account level rules and Recommendations and Pathways.

Understanding the Operation UI

Visual Editor

You can apply or remove the Add to Recall operation using the Recall Toggler provided at the top of each product card in the Visual Editor.


Left-side Product Search Panel

You can add a product to the recall set by clicking on the Recall Settings option under the + menu on the product card.


Add to Recall at Search and Category Level

At the Search and Category level, when you enable Add to Recall for a product, the product gets added to the recall of the influenced queries (Combo queries / Multi-query rule)

For instance, you may want to boost a product Black shirt in the category Shirt as well as Formal Shirt. The product Black Shirt is not present in the default result set for category Formal Shirt. In the Visual Editor, you add both the categories( Shirt and Formal Shirt ) and enable Add to Recall for this product Black Shirt and select Boost to Top from the operation dropdown. Add to Recall ON will ensure that this product is added to recall of all the queries which are part of this rule and since Boost to Top is applied hence it will get boosted too.

Adding Products to Search/Category Recall with the Visual Editor

The steps for adding products to recall using the Visual Editor are discussed below:

  • For making changes to the recall of a Search Query: Go to Search & Merchandising > Site Search > Ranking rules.
  • Click + New rule.
  • Enter the keywords in the Search Terms field (Multi Query rule).
  • Toggle Add to Recall ON for the desired products and apply any further operations according to your use case from the table below.
Operations Use CaseSteps to be FollowedDesired Result
Add to Recall only
Turn ON the Add to Recall toggleForce add the product to the recall of other influenced queries (Combo queries / Multi-query rules)
Add to Recall + Boost to Top Select Boost to Top
operation and turn ON the Add to Recall toggle
1. Force add the product to the recall of other influenced queries (Combo queries / Multi-query rules)

2. Boost the product in the recall
Add to Recall + Bury to BottomSelect Bury to Bottom operation and turn ON the Add to Recall toggle1. Force add the product to the recall of other influenced queries (Combo queries / Multi-query rules)

2. Bury the product in the recall
Add to Recall + Lock Position #Select the Lock Position # operation and choose the desired position. Turn ON the Add to Recall toggle1. Force add the product to the recall of other influenced queries (Combo queries / Multi-query rules)

2. Lock the product in its place
  • Save the rule.

Add to Recall use cases with Visual Editor


Multi Query / Combo Query Behavior

If Add to Recall is toggled ON for a product in a combo query / Multi-query rule, it will be added to the recall of all the queries which are part of that combo query.
For products with Add to Recall toggled OFF in a combo query / Multi-query rule, they will be present in other queries (part of the combo query) only if they already exist in their recall set.


Add to Recall product limit

The maximum number of products you can Add to Recall is 200.

Adding Products to Search/Category Recall with Left side search panel

In the Left-side Search panel, you can search for a product and select Force Add this Product to Recall from the operation dropdown to add this product to the recall of a query.

For instance, you may want to include a condenser cover in the recall set of the query ‘Condenser’ as it’s a related item. You can do this by searching for the condenser cover in the Left-side Search panel and enabling the Add to Recall feature for the condenser cover.

The steps for adding products to recall using the left-side search panel are discussed below:

  • Go to Search & Merchandising > Site Search > Ranking rules.
  • Click + New rule.
  • Enter the search terms in the Search Terms field.
  • Use the product search bar on the left to find the desired product.
  • You can then follow the steps in the table below for your Add to Recall use case.
Operations Use CaseSteps to be FollowedDesired Result
Add to RecallClick on the Recall Settings option under the + menu on the product card1. Force add the product to the recall of the influenced query

2. Product's position in the product grid is defined by the algorithm
Add to Recall + Boost to TopClick on the Recall Settings option under the + menu on the product card

Click on Boost to Top operation
1. Force add the product to the recall of the influenced query

2. Boost the product in the recall
Add to Recall + Bury to BottomClick on the Recall Settings option under the + menu on the product card

Click on the Bury to Bottom operation
1. Force add the product to the recall of the influenced query

2. Bury the product in the recall
Add to Recall + Lock Position #Click on the Recall Settings option under the + menu on the product card

Click on the Lock Position # operation and choose the desired place in the recall

Note: Drag and drop from the left-hand panel to the Visual Editor will slot the product
1. Force add the product to the recall of the influenced query

2. Slot the product at a specific place in the recall
  • Save the rule.

Add to Recall + Boost to Top use case with left side search panel


  • In the left-hand side product search panel, if any operation is applied on a product that is not part of the recall, then that product will be added to the recall by default.
  • If you add a product from the left-hand panel to the visual editor and toggle Add to Recall OFF there, the product will be removed from the visual editor and will be shown as selected state in the left-hand panel till you perform another activity.

As shown in the example above, boosting the product using the left-side search panel adds the product to the recall. The products that are already part of the recall are marked with the “Already in Recall” label on the left-side panel.

How can I preview products after force-adding them to recall using the Left-side search panel?

When you add a product to the recall from the Left side panel to the product grid, the position of the product in the product grid is algorithm-driven.

Suppose you use the Left side panel to force add a shirt to the recall of query "jackets". The ranking score of this added product will be pretty low for this query. Hence, it will be at the bottom of the result set.

Since you can only preview 100 products at a time, the product added to recall might be after these 100 products.


Add to Recall for Categories

The Add to Recall feature works in the same way as above for Category rules