Relevance by Segment Pixel


Before you begin

Make sure to also integrate the Relevance by Segment API.

You can learn more about Relevance by Segment on the feature page.

Add pixel parameters containing segment name and values to capture analytics for those segments. Segment information must be added to both page view pixels and event pixels. Currently, the following segments are supported:

Segment nameDescriptionSample values
customer_tierTier that the user belongs to.Premium


customer_countryCountry that the user belongs to or is accessing the site from.US

customer_geoGeography or Region that the user belongs to.Florida

customer_profileProfile of the user.Healthcare


Using an existing pixel parameter as a segment
In addition to the above segments, you may also use any existing pixel parameter, such as view_id, user_id, etc., as a segment. If you choose an existing pixel parameter as a segment, then additional pixel integration is not required. 


If you’re integrating the Relevance by Segment (RBS) feature, you can inspect RBS segments data using Events Management.

Defining Segments

Add your segment parameter in the following format: 

br_data.<segment_name> = “<value>”

Where <segment_name> is the name of the segment, and is a string containing the segment value.

The value string may only contain alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), hyphens (“-”), or underscores (“_”). It is case-sensitive.

A segment can have up to 5000 unique values, though we don’t recommend using a segment with so many values since it can thin out the data used for ranking. If you do have a use case for using more than 5000 unique value, please consult a member of the Bloomreach team.

Example Segment

For a segment named customer_tier with a value of premium, the pixel parameter is:

br_data.customer_tier = "premium"

Native App Implementation

Discovery SDKs

For details on using the Discovery Android and iOS SDKs for specific Native App Implementation, refer to their respective linked guides. The same steps described above also apply to the Native App implementation.