Track debug events in Integration mode

💡Prerequisite knowledge

We recommend that you review the following guide.

Test pixel tracking with debug events

Setting up correct Pixel tracking is crucial. To ensure that the tracking works accurately, you can test using debug events in real-time. Debug events are special events sent with the parameter "debug=true" and treated as test data.

Events Management provides two working modes: Integration mode and Live mode. Integration mode serves as your testing ground for tracking debug events.

Tracking debug events enables effective monitoring and troubleshooting of pixel implementations by developers and analysts. This guide illustrates how to use Integration Mode to track debug events and fine-tune your pixel setup before it goes live on your website.

Integration mode vs. Live mode

Refer to the table below for guidance on effectively using the two modes of Events Management in your pixel implementation workflow.

Integration ModeLive Mode
  • Integration mode provides a controlled debugging setup for testing pixel implementations before they go live on your website.
  • This mode tracks only the events with the parameter “debug=true”.
  • You can view the event data in real-time, typically within just 10 seconds. This makes troubleshooting faster.
  • Live mode is for everyday monitoring of what users are doing on your site. It allows you to monitor and troubleshoot live events in your production environment.
  • It tracks all live events without any changes to the tracking code snippet. This mode also supports the tracking of test data by passing the parameter "test_data=true".
  • You can view the live event data typically within 2 hours.

Here’s a visual that illustrates how debug events are tracked.

How to send and view debug events in Integration mode

1. Sending debug events

Follow the steps mentioned as per your implementation.

JavaScript Implementation

Send your events with the parameter “br_data.debug=true”. This indicates that the event is meant for debug tracking and will be available in the Integration Mode.

Non-JavaScript implementation

  • Android SDK and iOS SDK
    Set the parameter “debugMode“ to “true“ during the initialization of the SDK. This indicates that the event is meant for debug tracking and will be available in the Integration Mode. By default, the parameter value is set to “false”.
  • Direct API request
    When sending events through an API request, append the “debug=true” parameter to your request URL. This indicates that the event is meant for debug tracking and will be available in the Integration Mode.

2. Viewing debug events in Integration mode

Go to Setup > Events management. To inspect the debug events, go to the Events Stream tab and view them within seconds.

Points to note

  • We validate the events with the “debug=true” parameter in real time and exclude them from any production features (e.g., attribution processes, search performance, analytics, insights). This ensures that you get a focused debug experience for troubleshooting and analysis.

  • Debug events have an API rate limit of a few requests per second. If the limit is exceeded, the HTTP 429 error is returned. We recommend you monitor this in your website’s Application Performance Monitoring tool (APM), such as New Relic, DataDog, Sentry, Splunk, or others.