Android Application Pixel Integration


Integration Prerequisite

The version of the Android SDK used in your application should be 24 or above.

To set up Bloomreach pixels in your Android application, follow the steps below:

1. Add the dependency for pixels

The first step is to add the dependency that contains the Bloomreach Pixels for the Android client library.
To add the dependency, follow these steps:

  1. Download the .aar file from under "Assets".

  2. Add the .aar file in the libs directory at the root level of your project. If the libs directory does not exist already, create the directory and add the .aar file.

  3. Now, to add the local .aar file as a dependency, add the following code to the settings.gradle file:

flatDir {
  dirs 'libs'
  1. Finally, add the following code to the app level build.gradle file under the existing dependencies section inside it:
dependencies { 
implementation (name: 'bloomreach-client-<LATEST-RELEASED-VERSION>', ext: 'aar') 

2. Initialization

In order to initialize the pixel library with your correct credentials at the start of your application, call the following method at the launch point of your app, in the onCreate() method inside the Applications file or Launcher Activity:

val brPixel = BrPixel(
  accountId = "<ACCOUND_ID>",
  uuid = ā€œ<13_digit_rand>ā€,
  visitorType = VisitorType.NEW_USER,
  baseUrl = ""

Make sure to replace all the placeholder values for the parameter values in the snippet above.

Here is a reference of all the different parameters you can set based on your requirements:

accountIdYour Account ID provided by Bloomreach during integration
uuidA 13 Digit random number.
Eg: 2342698118212
visitorTypeenum type for new or returning visitors
baseUrlBase URL of your site, provided by Bloomreach
The Bloomreach-provided ID of the domain receiving the request
Unique ID used to track the visitor. This parameter is only required if you track visitors via a universal customer ID
Enter a Boolean value. Set test_data to false in the pixel for your prod release app
Regional currency or currency used in the app
Set this to true to get valuable debugging info and insights from the Events Manager. By default, this is set to false
pixelUrlByRegionURL for Pixel server based on region. Defaults to the NA region
customerTierTier that the visitor belongs to. eg: Premium, Gold. For use with Relevance by Segment
customerCountryCountry that the visitor belongs to or is accessing the site from. For use with Relevance by Segment
customerGeoGeography or Region that the visitor belongs to. For use with Relevance by Segment
customerProfileProfile of the visitor. For use with Relevance by Segment
This parameter is only required if you are integrating on a site with multiple site versions with unique product catalog characteristics. Otherwise, viewId should not be declared in the pixel as this might cause issues with analytics.

During your technical kickoff call, the Bloomreach integrations team will inform you whether viewId will be required for your pixel integration or not.

The value must be consistent with the view_id value passed in the feed and API calls.


The value of any of the above parameters can be modified later in the code, even after initialization. It can be done by using the following line:

PixelTracker.brPixel.<PARAMETER_NAME> = <VALUE>

3. Triggering Pixels

Refer to the following guides to Trigger specific pixels in your Android Application:

4. Pixel validation

You can test the integration of the Pixel SDK using the Pixel validator built inside the SDK. No additional integration is needed.
The Pixel validator only works in debug mode. The response from Pixel validation will be printed in Logcat of Android Studio on its own, as below:


Pixel Validator logs in Logcat