Configure Loomi Search+
This is a Premium tier feature powered by Loomi AI.
We recommend that you review the following guide:
- Loomi Search +: This guide introduces you to Loomi Search+ and the key vector search concepts. The dashboard workflow is based on these concepts.
- Recall Studio: This guide helps you get familiar with the Recall Studio feature. Loomi Search+ controls are part of the same feature interface.
Make sure that you have the Algocontrol user permission. Your IAM admin can assign this role to any user who wants to create or edit a Loomi Search+ setting.
How to configure Loomi Search+ via dashboard
This guide covers the process of configuring and applying Loomi Search+ via the dashboard for both global and query-level rules.
Go to AI Studio > Recall studio section in the Bloomreach dashboard. Here, you’ll see the following tabs:
- Global Rules: Use this section to turn on/off, edit, or preview Global Loomi Search+ settings for your site.
- Query Overrides: Use this section to change Loomi Search+ settings at the query level. Here you can view, add, edit, or delete Query Overrides rules for specific queries.
Note: Recall Studio is not available on the site group level. We suggest you access this at the account or site level using the site selector. When you enter the Recall Studio at the account level, you can only apply settings on the account or language-specific catalog level based on your account setup. If you enter at the site level, you can only apply settings at the site level.
Global Rules
Under the Global Rules tab, you can view both Loomi Search+ and Keyword Search-related algorithm settings for all your language-specific catalogs and different sites in the account.
The Global Rules tab has the following columns:
- Influence: This section specifies the scope of settings. At the account level, you can see the settings for language-specific catalogs and sites. However, if you have access to only one site in the account, then you can only update the settings of that site. Rules with a different site influence are indicated with a Read-only tag.
- Settings columns: There are two columns for Loomi Search+ configurations. _Loomi Search+ column_shows the setup status. Here is the summary of what each status means:
- 🟠 Needs setup - Catalog doesn’t have the Loomi Search+ embeddings.
- ↪️ Setup in progress - Loomi Search+ embedding generation is in progress.
- ⚪ Off - Embeddings are available, but Loomi Search+ is not applied.
- 🟢 On - Loomi Search+ embeddings are available and applied.
- N/A - Loomi Search+ setup is not available for the catalog.
Vector temperature column specifies the vector temperature mode applied. The remaining columns list the Keyword Search related algorithm settings for the site.
- Variants: This section shows the rule variants for the AB test.
- Enable: This section allows you to enable/disable the control rule variant.
- Last edited by: This section specifies the date and time the configurations were last edited and mentions the editor.
- Actions: This section shows an Edit option to change the existing settings.
Global Loomi Search+ configuration
To configure a Global rule for Loomi Search+ at the catalog level, follow the steps:
- Start setup to generate embeddings
- Apply Loomi Search+ and tune vector temperature
- Preview search results
- Enable Loomi Search+ globally
1. Start setup to generate embeddings
- Under the Global Rules tab, click the Setup Loomi Search+ button on the top left corner.
- From the dropdown, select the catalog to use for generating vector embeddings. Currently, only English catalogs are supported. Click Start Setup.
Now, the Recall Studio homepage shows the status: “Setup in progress.” This system is now generating embeddings, which typically take about 48 hours to complete.
When the embedding generation is complete, the status turns grey with the message “Off”. You can now apply Loomi Search+ to the results.
2. Apply Loomi Search+ and tune vector temperature
Go to the Global rule and click the Edit button.
The green status shows the message "Vector embeddings ready". Now, toggle ON Apply Loomi Search+.
When Loomi Search+ is applied, you will see a new section labeled Vector search temperature adjacent to the existing keyword search precision options. Vector temperature lets you adjust the precision level for Vector Search. You get two temperature levels: Standard and High.
Standard: This is the default setting that maximizes recall and displays all related products.
High: This setting displays smaller, more precise product recall.
3. Preview search results
After applying Loomi Search+ and tuning the vector search temperature, use the Preview capability to compare how the results have changed.
4. Enable Loomi Search+ globally
Once satisfied with the results, Save the rule to enable Loomi Search+ for all queries. The Loomi Search+ status turns green with the message “On”.
Manage existing Global Loomi Search+ rules
You can change the existing Global Loomi Search+ rules with the steps listed below:
Go to the Global rule you want to modify and click the Edit button on the Recall Studio homepage.
Select the appropriate Loomi Search+ settings (as illustrated above).
Preview the results to see changes.
Click Save.
AB test Global rules
AB test via the dashboard
Go to the existing global rule and make the changes required for the new test variant. Now, click the Save new test variant button.
Disable all merchandising rules
You can optionally turn off all currently active and future merchandising rules for the selected catalog/site by clicking the checkbox provided under the External AB Test URL section. Please note that no alerts are shown on the ranking rules page if another user tries to create new rules when you disable them.
This opens the Rule Variants modal. Toggle ON the variants to include in the test and then click Set up new test.
This opens the Test Setup page. Configure the test and click Activate.
Now, the test is active, and the global rule displays an “In testing” status.
Known issues
- The control variant (default global customization rule) is automatically disabled when you end an AB test. We recommended that you:
- Delete the test variants by clicking on the variants icon.
- Manually enable the control variant using the toggle provided under the Global Rules Enable column.
We will fix this issue and add validation checks in an upcoming release to ensure that the default variant for global recall rules is not disabled on the Recall Studio and AB Testing pages.
- When an AB test is activated from the Recall Studio, the test is created within the Recall Studio module, and the navigation crumb still shows the Recall Studio label. The dashboard doesn’t redirect to the AB testing module. We will fix this navigation issue in an upcoming release.
AB test via API
- You can copy the external AB testing link provided in the External AB test URL section. This link can be used to run and manage the AB test via your third-party testing platform. To test the configurations for a particular query, you must replace "QUERY_PLACEHOLDER" text with that query.
- Note that this is a self-managed AB test. The parameters are controllable through the front-end API call. Check the detailed API AB testing guide.
Query Overrides
There can be use cases where you want to enable/disable Loomi Search+ for certain queries or use a different level of Vector Search precision. For instance, at the Global level, you have Standard vector temperature, but you want the query “waterproof women's running shoes” to use High vector temperature for a precise recall.
Query override rules can be used to accomplish such use cases. Query overrides take precedence over Global rules.
The rules are listed under the Query Overrides tab. This section shows the following columns:
- Queries: This section specifies the query corresponding to the query override rule.
- Influence: This section specifies the site scope of settings. At the account level, you can see the settings for language-specific catalogs and sites. However, if you have access to only one site in the account, then you can only update the settings of that site. Rules with a different site influence are indicated with a Read-only tag.
- Settings columns: There are two columns for Loomi Search+ configurations. One indicates the Loomi Search+ setup status, and the other specifies the vector temperature mode applied. The remaining columns list the Keyword Search related algorithm settings for the site.
- Variants: This section shows the rule variants for the AB test.
- Enable: This section allows you to enable/disable the control rule variant.
- Last edited by: This section specifies the date and time the configurations were last edited and mentions the editor.
- Actions: This section shows Edit and Delete options to manage override rules.
Configure Query Override rule for Loomi Search+
Prerequisite for Query Overrides
Please note the embeddings must be already generated and successfully indexed at the catalog level first. You can then setup overrides at the query level.
To configure a new Query override rule for Loomi Search+, follow the steps:
- Specify queries and rule influence
- Change query-specific Loomi Search+ settings
- Preview results and Save override
1. Specify queries and rule influence
- Click the + New override button to open the Configure query overrides section.
- In the Queries textbox, specify the query for the rule. To specify multiple queries, hit enter/return after typing each query. You can also import multiple queries, as illustrated here.
- Select the site Influence of the override rule from the dropdown menu. If you have multiple catalogs, specify the catalog to target. For Loomi Search+ override, you must choose an English catalog.
2. Change query-specific Loomi Search+ settings
Select the appropriate Loomi Search+ setting. You may either select a different vector temperature for the query, enable Loomi Search+, or disable it altogether for the selected query/queries.
3. Preview results and Save override
Click the Preview button to view the product search results for this query override rule.
If the results look good, Save the query override.
Manage existing Query Overrides
You have two options to manage existing Query override rules: Edit and Delete.
1. Edit Loomi Search+ Query override for one or more search queries
Go to the rule you want to modify and click the Edit button on the Recall Studio homepage.
Select the appropriate Loomi Search+ override setting (as illustrated above).
Preview the results to see changes.
Click Save.
2. Delete Loomi Search+ Query override for one or more search queries
Go to the rule you want to modify and click the dropdown next to the Edit button. Here, you can select the Delete option to delete the rule.
AB test Query Overrides
Go to the existing query override rule and make the changes required for the new test variant. Then, click on the Save new test variant button.
This opens the Rule variants modal. Toggle ON the variants to include in the test and then click Set up new test.
This opens the Test Setup page. Configure the test and click Activate.
Now, the test is active, and the query rule displays an “In testing” status.
Conflict resolution
Suppose a setting is passed at various levels on the Dashboard and API. Conflict resolution order works as follows:
- Query Override on Dashboard
- API parameters passed directly on front-end API call
- Catalog level setting on the Dashboard
Debug issues
I’m unable to apply Loomi Search+ after starting the setup. What can be the issue?
Loomi Search+ results may not be available to apply if the embedding generation is still in progress. We suggest checking in 48 hours after you have enabled the embedding generation.
You can monitor the status messages on the Recall Studio homepage under the Loomi Search+ column.-
The Setup in progress message indicates that the embedding generation is still in progress.
After 48 hours when the embeddings are ready, it shows Off message. You can then apply Loomi Search+.
If the issue persists, please contact your Bloomreach representative.
- How can I understand whether Loomi Search+ is enabled for a given query or not?
You can use Ranking Diagnostics to understand whether Loomi Search+ is being used for a query or catalog. The UI also distinctly shows the products matched by Keyword search and those retrieved by Vector Search.
Known Issue
You may notice a few products with a Relevance score of “0.” For such products, the Vector/Keyword label is missing. This issue affects only a subset of queries/products with matches on variant data. We will fix this in an upcoming release.
Updated 23 days ago