Creating Group rules at the Global level

Group Merchandising feature allows you to create Group rules at the Global Ranking, Global Search, and Global Category levels. Follow the steps below to create a Global Group rule:

1. Navigation

  • Go to Setup > brSM global configurations > Global ranking rules.
  • Now click the + New ranking rule button. You will see a dropdown with options to create Group rules for Global Ranking, Global Category, or Global Search rules. In this example, we choose Global rule with group-by.

2. Group Results by an Attribute

  • In the Product Grid, click the Group-by attribute option under the Attribute tab. This opens up a list of product attributes to group the search results. Select the desired attribute and then click “Done.”
  • The Visual Editor now shows search results grouped by the selected attribute.


Please note that if you choose “Group-by : Any”, you can blocklist products or create attribute-based rules which will apply to all the global group rules.

3. Explore Products Within Groups

  • Click on the button at the bottom of the group to view the products in that group.
  • You can also switch to a different product group using the dropdown at the top of the group view panel. After viewing the products, click Back to view the grid with all the groups.

4. Merchandise Products Within Groups

You can merchandise the products within a group as per the below 2 cases:

  1. If you select Group-by : Any, then you can block any product or add attribute rules. The blocklist/attribute rule will apply to all downstream group rules such as search and category group-by rules irrespective of the group-by attribute. Use the + menu option to Block any product.
  1. If you select Group-by : [Product attribute], then you can perform the following merchandising operations on the products within groups:
    • Boost to Top: Rank the product at the 1st position in the group recall.
    • Bury to Bottom: Hard bury the product in the group recall.
    • Block: Remove the product from the group recall.

Please note that this global rule will be saved with the same group-by scope. For instance, here we selected “Group-by: categoryNew”. This rule will only apply to search and category rules with the “Group-by: categoryNew” scope.


  1. Sequential lock and Attribute rules are currently not supported for products within groups.

  2. Using the Product tab in the left-hand side panel, you can boost, bury, block individual products, or add them to the group recall. The products will be added to the recall of their respective group.

5. Merchandise Product Groups and View Changes

  • Merchandise the product groups by clicking the three-dot icon in the group card's top right corner. This opens up a dropdown with the available merchandising operations:
    [Group] Boost to top: Rank the group at the 1st position in the global group recall.
    [Group] Bury to bottom: Hard bury the group in the global group recall.
    [Group] Block: Remove the group and its products from the global group recall.
  • You can also make attribute-level changes at the group level. Attribute boost/bury/include/exclude within each group is currently not supported. For instance, when an attribute boost rule is applied, the products in every group will be given a boost first. Then, the groups will be re-ranked based on the top products within each group. This also applies to other attribute-based operations such as bury, include, and exclude.

  • Adding Product to Recall with Left side search panel: You can use the Left side search panel to add products to the recall. Please note that the product will be added to its respective group based on the group-by-attribute value only after saving the rule.

  • To see a summary of the changes, click on the Changes tab. You can also review all the merchandising operations applied to the groups using the Preview functionality at the top right.

[Group] Sequential lock

Group rules do not support Slotting [Lock in place/position]. Instead, you can lock groups sequentially within a range, starting from position 1. Groups falling outside of the defined range will be Algo controlled.

To sequentially lock groups:

  • Click the ☸ Settings button to reveal the dropdown. Now click the Group Sequential Lock option.
  • Specify the sequential lock range. You can lock 1024 groups at a time.
  • Click Confirm. You can now see an orange lock on the groups that fall in the Sequential Lock range. The top right corner states the number of sequentially locked groups.

Note: Others* group cannot be sequentially locked. Hence, it's not included in the sequential lock range count. It will appear right after the last sequentially locked group.

Reordering sequentially locked groups

To reposition the groups, you can drag and drop the group to the desired slot.

You can alternatively use the slot selector to set the new group position.

Note: If you drag and drop an unlocked group within the sequential lock range, the group range will increase by one.

Unlocking groups: To unlock a group, click the three-dot icon to open the Operations menu. Then, choose Unlock.

Please note that the new position of this group will be determined by the Algorithm. All subsequent groups within the sequential lock range will move over by one position.

6. Save the Group Rule

Once you’re satisfied with the changes, click “Save.” Now you can see your group rule listed on the Global Ranking Rules homepage. The group rule can be identified by the “Group-by” label under the rule identifier.

These Global group changes will flow down to the Search and Category ranking rules. Please note that the Global Search and Global Category Group rules follow a similar workflow as described above.

Scope and rule influence

  • Global Category Ranking Rule will influence all Category group rules only with the same group-by scope.
  • Global Search Ranking Rule will influence all Search group rules only with the same group-by scope.

Visit this article to learn the process of creating individual Search or Category Group rules.

Cloning Global Rules as Global Group-by Rules

Group Merchandising allows you to clone existing Global Ranking, Global Search, or Global Category rules as Global Group rules. Follow the steps given below to clone a Global ranking rule as a Global Group rule:

  • Go to the Global ranking rules and open the ▼ after hovering over the desired rule.
  • Choose “Clone as a group rule”.
  • The Product Grid Editor opens up. Now, select the Group-by attribute and follow the same workflow as described above.
  • Once you’ve made the desired customizations, click Save.

Please note that while cloning a Global ranking rule as a Global Group-by rule, the existing attribute-based rules and blocklisted products will be copied over. It does not copy over the Product Boost, Bury, or Slot rules. You can add these merchandising customizations individually for the groups and products within the groups at the global level.

Selecting Products in Bulk

Select products in bulk using the Product Bulk selection option under the Product tab. Either upload a CSV file or add a list of PIDs. The products will be added to the recall of their respective groups.

You can apply bulk operations, namely boost, bury, block, and add to group recall. The changes are visible under the Changes tab. For a detailed walkthrough of the product selection process, visit the Bulk Select Products guide.

Note: The products that do not belong to any group will be added to the recall of the Others* group.