How Search Features Interact with Loomi Search+

This guide covers how Loomi Search+ retrieves the recall and rank search results.

Loomi Search+ query processing mechanism

Loomi Search+ processes queries using the mechanism described below.

A. Keyword search processing (existing behavior)

  1. Query Side Enhancements
    The search engine enhances the query with Synonyms, canonicalization, and stopwords removal.
  2. Text match
    The search engine retrieves products that match all query parts and Synonyms of each query part.
  3. Search Recall Precision Modes (Product Type Precision, Category Precision, LLM-based Precision)
    Precision modes that deepen recall relevance for keyword searches. Precision modes act as a filter for noisy products. The Keyword Search recall includes precise product matches.

B. Vector search processing

  • Vector Search recalls relevant product matches based on the concepts or intent identified from the query. This is based on the vector embeddings generated from the product catalog. The vector temperature settings determine how precise the product matches are.

Loomi Search+ recall returns the sum of Keyword Search and Vector Search recall (A+B). This allows the Search engine to include all potentially relevant products.

Loomi Search+ ranking

Ranking scores

  • We compute keyword score for all the products recalled via keyword match.
  • We compute vector score for all the products recalled via vector search.
  • We then compute a combined score using a mathematical concept that considers both the exact keyword matches and the related semantic context from the vector search.

Ranking mechanism

  • If a product appears in the recall of both keyword search and vector search, this product will be ranked higher.
  • Additionally, keyword match gets a higher ranking preference over vector search recall.
  • The primary signals for search ranking are still performance signals like query-specific revenue, conversion, ATC, and views, as well as sitewide revenue, conversion, ATC, and views.