SKU Select Attributes
To integrate the SKU Select feature, your SKU data must be sent in your product catalog. You must make changes to SKU variants for the following capabilities:
- Allow filtering or faceting at the SKU level
- Define the default SKU for a product
- Display Hero SKU price and sale_price
Catalog changes for Faceting or Filtering
To enable SKU level attribute faceting or filtering, you can use the standard Bloomreach-defined attributes (static attributes), listed below.
To enable custom attributes (dynamic attributes) that are your own customized SKU attributes, work with your Bloomreach representative.
Static SKU Attributes
Static attributes are predefined and must be used with the same naming convention. See the table below.
If you have existing dynamic attributes that were already defined with the names under the Product attribute name column below, you must change the names to match the SKU attribute names column. For example, if you used price as the attribute name, you must change it to sku_price before onboarding to SKU indexing.
SKU attribute name | Product attribute name | Single or multi value |
sku_price | price | single |
sku_sale_price | sale_price | single |
sku_color | color | single |
sku_color_group | color_group | single |
sku_size | size | single |
Facet Manager behavior
The Facet Management works in the same way for SKU attributes as it does for product-level attributes. Attributes can be modified and their values can also be customized.
Ranking merchandising such as boost, bury, include/exclude, etc., cannot be applied on the above SKU attributes currently.
Define a Default SKU
You can set a product’s default SKU by adding an attribute named default_sku with a value of “true”.
For example, the product below has the 43589801 variant defined as its default SKU:
"value": {
"attributes": {
"variants": {
"43589801": {
"attributes": {
"size": "xlarge",
"availability": true,
"default_sku": true //Defines this SKU as the default SKU for this product
The only expected value for default_sku is "default_sku": true. Sending "default_sku": false may cause issues.
Hero SKU price and sale price
You can display the price and sale_price attributes of the Hero SKU that is dynamically chosen by Bloomreach. These values can then be retrieved in the API call. The behaviour is explained in the table below:
Attribute | Description | Retrieved in API? (fl) | Sortable | Facetable |
hero_sku_price | The price of the Hero SKU | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
hero_sku_sale_price | The sale price of the Hero SKU | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Currently, you cannot implement faceting or sorting on Hero SKU price and sale price.
Updated 8 months ago