Analytics allow you to drill into customer behavior and help solve day-to-day merchandising problems that you may be facing on your site. The key components of Analytics are listed below:

  • Category Analytics: Category Analytics aggregates the overall performance across all categories. It also itemizes top performing categories and helps you evaluate them based on key metrics like Browse Sessions,
    Session Bounce Rate, ATC assisted Conversions and ATC assisted Revenue.

  • Site Search Analytics: Site Search Analytics enables you to understand users' intent by looking at their search journey. It can have the following use cases:

    1. Search Usage analysis: This analysis helps determine how search impacts the user experience on your site.
    2. Post Search Behavior analysis: This involves analyzing the actions of the users after they've left the search session. The products viewed, added to the cart, and purchased provide insight into the user behavior.
    3. There can be other uses cases for Site Search analytics tool to measure user engagement, search relevance, and revenue per product.