1:1 Personalized Ranking

This guide describes how Bloomreach shows personalized results on a 1:1 basis.

Bloomreach can personalize the ranking of products shown in search results pages on a 1:1 basis. Bloomreach has successfully personalized results based on the shopper’s affinity for products having a particular attribute such as gender, brand, and category.  The benefit to the shopper is that they see personalized ranking of products, which can help nudge the shopper towards making a purchase.

The shopper's affinity for products having a particular attribute is determined by the shopper's interaction with products having those attributes. The interactions could be product or category views, searches, add-to-cart, and purchases.   For example, Bloomreach observes how each shopper interacts with products of a certain brand.  If the shopper tends to view and buy certain brands over others then Bloomreach can boost products of these brands in the search result set for this particular shopper.

How to enable this feature

To enable this feature, the site needs to have a working integration. The pixel installed as part of the integration enables Bloomreach to place a cookie on every user’s browser. Bloomreach uses this cookie to build an anonymous profile of each user. Since Personalization is a real-time feature, if the site caches search results then 1:1 Personalization cannot be enabled. 

Currently, 1:1 personalization is enabled by Bloomreach on the backend. Bloomreach will evaluate the feed attributes that customers have shown an affinity for and determine if there is a good attribute that can be used for personalization. If you'd like to get this for your site, please get in touch with your Digital Experience Manager.

Session-based personalization understanding

Bloomreach understands that personalization can be more relevant in certain sessions than others.  As a result, Bloomreach’s personalization algorithm will more heavily weight in-session information than cross-session information and react quickly when a user changes their affinities For example a shopper typically searches for women's clothing but in this session they seem to be searching for men's clothing.

In-session results preservation

By default, Bloomreach will not alter the result order via personalization or other means for the same queries within the same session in order to not create a confusing search experience.  For example, if a user searches for “hoodie” and then proceeds to demonstrate that they are interested in only female hoodies, then Bloomreach will not personalize the results to boost female hoodies for that same query during the current session.  Bloomreach will continue personalize results for other queries such as "jackets". Bloomreach will also personalize “hoodie” for that user in new sessions.