Vue Storefront


Vue Storefront is Frontend-as-a-Service for composable commerce, available for React and Vue.js.

A new channel created using the Vue Storefront channel template is bootstrapped with site configuration and components that work out of the box with the Vue Storefront Bloomreach Content integration.

The new channel is initially configured to use a generic, hosted, and shared frontend application to render the preview in the Experience manager.

To set up your own Vue Storefront frontend app and integrate it with Bloomreach Content, follow the instructions in the Vue Storefront Bloomreach Content integration documentation.

Also make sure to check out Vue's Bloomreach Content Manager tool which serves as an abstraction layer built on top of the Management APIs in order to streamline the development workflow.



The out-of-the-box Vue Storefront channel and components after creating a channel using the Vue Storefront channel blueprint.
