Link picker configuration



Configure the link picker for a particular content type field to select only certain content types.


Documents can contain links to other content items. Such links are normally created using either a dedicated Link field or the link button inside a Rich text editor field. In both cases a Link Picker dialog lets authors browse and select either a document, image, or asset from the content repository. The Link Picker dialog can be configured for each individual field it is used by.

Link picker configuration for a link field

The Link Picker dialog for a Link field can be configured using the content type editor. Open the content type that you want to edit and select the Link field. In its properties panel you'll find the following properties that control the Link Picker dialog:

Property nameProperty typeSingle or multiple valuedDescriptionExamples
cluster.nameStringSingleThe type of picker to use. Valid values are: cms-pickers/documents, cms-pickers/images, cms-pickers/assets, cms-pickers/folders, cms-pickers/documents-only, cms-pickers/documents-folders-onlycms-pickers/documents
nodetypesStringMultipleOne or more JCR node types specifying the content types that can be selected. The Link Picker dialog's 'OK' button will be enabled if a content item of a selectable type is selected, or disabled otherwise. Node types that extend a selectable node type are selectable too.hippostd:folder
base.uuidStringSingleUUID of the default folder to show when the Link Picker dialog opens.f7bdc6a4-d35f-4fb9-8dd9-674b440a8b5f
base.pathStringSingleThe path of the default folder to show when the Link Picker dialog opens. If the base.uuid is specified, it takes precedence over base.path/content/documents/myproject/news
last.visited.enabledBooleanSingleEnables to remember and open the last opened folder for the session in the picker dialog.
True by default.
language.context.awareBooleanSingleIf true the Link Picker dialog by default opens the root content folder for the current document's language. 
True by default, however the above last.visited.enabled takes precendence so has to be set to false.
last.visited.keyStringSingleIf specified, the last visited folder is stored separately for this key. This allows managing multiple "last visited folders", for example, one for each content type.

If not specified, the last visited folder is "shared" with all other link fields that have not specified a last.visitied.key.
last.visited.nodetypesStringMultipleBy default, only hippostd:folder type nodes are regarded as "last visited folders" mentioned above. If you have any custom node types representing folder other than hippostd:folder, then you can specify other node types.myproject:customfoldertype

Link picker configuration for a rich text editor field

The Link Picker for a Rich Text Editor field can be configured analogously to a Link field through the Content Type Editor. However, it uses slightly different property names:

Property nameProperty typeSingle or Multiple ValuedDescriptionExamples
linkpicker.nodetypesStringMultipleOne or more JCR node types specifying the content types that can be selected. The Link Picker dialog's 'OK' button will be enabled if a content item of a selectable type is selected, or disabled otherwise. Node types that extend a selectable node type are selectable too.hippostd:folder<br><br>hippo:document<br><br>myproject:newsarticle