HTML Fields Configuration Properties

Common configuration properties

These configuration properties are available for both formatted text and rich text fields:

  • ckeditor.config.appended.json (String)

    JSON configuration object for CKEditor whose values will be appended to existing values (see algorithm below).

    Default: (empty string)

  • ckeditor.config.overlayed.json (String)

    JSON configuration object for CKEditor whose values will replace existing values (see algorithm below).

    Default: (empty string)

  • (String)

    ID of the HTML processor service to use, which takes care of HTML cleaning and managing internal links and images. To use no HTML processor, set this property to an empty string.

    Default: formatted for Formatted Text Fields, richtext for Rich Text Fields.

    Using no HTML processor at all will disable the management of internal links and images in Rich Text Fields entirely, which may be undesirable. To only disable HTML cleaning for Rich Text fields, use the value no-filter.

Rich text configuration properties

These configuration properties are only available for rich text fields:

  • (String)

    The type of the picker to use. Valid values: cms-pickers/documents, cms-pickers/images, cms-pickers/assets, cms-pickers/folders, cms-pickers/documents-only, cms-pickers/documents-folders-only. Defaults to cms-pickers/documents.

    Default: cms-pickers/documents

  • linkpicker.nodetypes

    One or more JCR node types specifying the content types that can be selected. By default, all types are selectable.

  • linkpicker.base.path

    Path of the node to open in the picker by default if no 'last visited' node is available. Use an empty string to disable this feature.

  • linkpicker.language.context.aware ( boolean)

    Whether the starting folder of the link picker is the folder of the language of the document.

    Default: true

  • linkpicker.last.visited.key (String)

    Key to store the last visited node in the link picker dialog under. Use a unique value to remember the last visited node separately from other CKEditor link picker dialogs.
    Default: ckeditor-documentpicker

  • linkpicker.last.visited.enabled (Boolean)

    Wether to store the last visited node.
    Default: true

  • linkpicker.last.visited.nodetypes (multiple String)

    The JCR node type(s) allowed to be stored as last visited node.
    Default: folder

  • (Boolean)

    Whether to show the 'open in new window' checkbox in the link picker dialog.

    Default: true

  • (String)

    The type of the picker to use. Valid values: cms-pickers/documents, cms-pickers/images, cms-pickers/assets, cms-pickers/folders, cms-pickers/documents-only, cms-pickers/documents-folders-only. Defaults to cms-pickers/images.
    Default: cms-pickers/images

  • imagepicker.nodetypes

    One or more JCR node types (comma separated) specifying the content types that can be selected. By default, all types are selectable.

  • imagepicker.base.path

    Path of the node to open in the picker by default if no 'last visited' node is available. Use an empty string to disable this feature.

  • imagepicker.last.visited.key (String)

    Key to store the last visited node in the image picker dialog under. Use a unique value to remember the last visited node separately from other CKEditor image picker dialogs.

    Default: ckeditor-imagepicker

  • imagepicker.last.visited.enabled (Boolean)

    Wether to store the last visited node.

    Default: true

  • imagepicker.last.visited.nodetypes (multiple String)

    The JCR node type(s) allowed to be stored as last visited node.

    Default: gallery

  • imagepicker.preferred.image.variant (String)

    The image variant to select by default in the variant combo box of the image picker.

    Default: hippogallery:original

  • included.image.variants (String)

    The (comma separated) JCR node type(s) of image variants to be included in the 'Size' dropdown of the image picker dialog. If empty all image variants will be included.

    Default: (empty)

  • excluded.image.variants ( String)

    The (comma separated) JCR node type(s) to be excluded from the 'Size' dropdown of the image picker dialog.

    Default: (empty)