
Folder Management API schemas


A representation of a document used from within a folder object that exposes its most relevant metadata


name stringIdentifying name of this resource. This value appears in URLs.  
displayName stringname of this resource. Used in labels in the CMS UI and in Delivery API.  
contentType stringthe content type of the resource (eg banner, newsArticle). The value for the contentType may optionally include the namespace prefix; this is only required in case the type is in a namespace other than 'brxsaas', eg mynamespace:content  
path stringAbsolute path of this resource in the content repository  
branches array[] of stringsThe list of branches where this resource exists.
  • uniqueItems : true


A Folder is a container item that can contain other folders or items


typeYstringidentifies the kind of folder: valid values are "folder" for SimpleFolder and "pageFolder" for Pagefolder  
pathYstringFolder path. An absolute path of this document in the content repository  
displayName stringDisplay name of the of the folder. Used in labels in the CMS UI.  
locale stringFolder locale.  
restricted booleanIndicates whether this folder is restricted. Setting this to false clears any readUsers and writeUsers entries automatically  
allowedDocumentTypes array[] of stringsList of allowed document types. Authors using the CMS UI will only be allowed to create documents in this folder of the types provided in this list. The value ALL_DOCUMENTS will offer them the possibility of creating any type of document. If this property is empty, they won't be able to create any document at all. Any types that do not belong to the default group ('brxsaas'), must be prefixed with the group name and the colon character, e.g. 'mygroup:mytype'.  
allowedFolderTypes array[] of stringsList of allowed folder types. Authors using the CMS UI will only be allowed to create folders of the types provided in this list. If a value matches a content type, authors will be able to create a folder that only allows them to create that kind of document. The value FOLDER allows them to create an unrestricted folder where they can create any kind of document. The value UNSCOPED_FOLDER also allows them to create unrestricted folders, but in these case non translated ones, which are usualy created out of the channel folders (e.g /content/documents/administration) if the content inside them is going to be used in multiple channels with different locales.  
readUsers array[] of stringsList of users with read access in this restricted folder  
writeUsers array[] of stringsList of users with write access in this restricted folder  
documents array[] of DocumentSummaryList of documents stored within this folder  
resourceBundles array[] of DocumentSummaryList of resource bundles stored within this folder  
folders array[] of FolderList of nested folders within this folder  


A special type of folder that can hold Experience pages


typeYstringidentifies the kind of folder: valid values are "folder" for SimpleFolder and "pageFolder" for Pagefolder  
pathYstringFolder path. An absolute path of this document in the content repository  
displayName stringDisplay name of the of the folder. Used in labels in the CMS UI.  
locale stringFolder locale.  
restricted booleanIndicates whether this folder is restricted. Setting this to false clears any readUsers and writeUsers entries automatically  
allowedDocumentTypes array[] of stringsList of allowed document types. Authors using the CMS UI will only be allowed to create documents in this folder of the types provided in this list. The value ALL_DOCUMENTS will offer them the possibility of creating any type of document. If this property is empty, they won't be able to create any document at all. Any types that do not belong to the default group ('brxsaas'), must be prefixed with the group name and the colon character, e.g. 'mygroup:mytype'.  
allowedFolderTypes array[] of stringsList of allowed folder types. Authors using the CMS UI will only be allowed to create folders of the types provided in this list. If a value matches a content type, authors will be able to create a folder that only allows them to create that kind of document. The value FOLDER allows them to create an unrestricted folder where they can create any kind of document. The value UNSCOPED_FOLDER also allows them to create unrestricted folders, but in these case non translated ones, which are usualy created out of the channel folders (e.g /content/documents/administration) if the content inside them is going to be used in multiple channels with different locales.  
readUsers array[] of stringsList of users with read access in this restricted folder  
writeUsers array[] of stringsList of users with write access in this restricted folder  
documents array[] of DocumentSummaryList of documents stored within this folder  
resourceBundles array[] of DocumentSummaryList of resource bundles stored within this folder  
folders array[] of FolderList of nested folders within this folder  
channelYstringidentifying name of the channel this experience folder is connected to.  
pages array[] of PageSummaryList of pages stored within this folder  


A representation of an experience page used from within a folder object that exposes its most relevant metadata


name stringIdentifying name of this resource. This value appears in URLs.  
displayName stringname of this resource. Used in labels in the CMS UI and in Delivery API.  
contentType stringthe content type of the resource (eg banner, newsArticle). The value for the contentType may optionally include the namespace prefix; this is only required in case the type is in a namespace other than 'brxsaas', eg mynamespace:content  
path stringAbsolute path of this resource in the content repository  
branches array[] of stringsThe list of branches where this resource exists.
  • uniqueItems : true
channel stringIdentifying name of the channel this page belongs to.  
relativePagePath stringthe relative path of this experience page with respect to the root content path of the channel  


Move Folder Action containing source & destination paths of the folder


srcPathYstringFolder's source path.  
dstPathYstringFolder's destination path.