

Bloomreach provides a BigCommerce connector with the GraphQL Commerce API. It's enabled by request only and has a number of specific configuration options in addition to the general options.

How to request configuration changes?

Please use our support channel to request configuration changes, including properties name and value(s).

Configuration Options

The following configuration options are available for the BigCommerce connector. If you wish to make a change, please submit a support request with the names of the properties and your preferred values.

Property Name (* required field)DescriptionExample Value(s)Default Value
BIGCOMMERCE_API_BASE_URL*The Base URL of the BigCommerce Management API.
BIGCOMMERCE_STORE_KEY*The Store Key, aka Store Hash, used for the BigCommerce Management API requests'fdi08ydn0m'
BIGCOMMERCE_CLIENT_IDThe Client ID received while creating the Store API Credentials'bman1tnrjinwnm9f33eez19b4he179n'
BIGCOMMERCE_API_ACCESS_TOKEN*The Access Token received while creating the Store API Credentials'h5qz4f87dnbo454qws4pawulst8wbm12'

Authentication Scope

It is recommended to enable the following scopes while creating the Store API Credentials:

Scope GUI NameDescription
OrdersView orders
ProductsView products, brands, categories and other product information.
CartsView and modify carts
CheckoutsView and modify checkouts
CustomerView and modify customers and the related addresses
WishlistsView and modify wishlists

Recover Customer Password

BigCommerce does not support the recover customer password flow in the case of headless integrations. However, the GraphQL Service is able to provide this feature for the BigCommerce connector: this solution is compliant to the OWASP Forgot Password cheatsheet. In case you are interested in supporting the forgot password flow, please add the property described in the table below as part of your environment variables. Moreover, please also ensure to use an external notification service (e.g. email service), responsible for sending the method to reset the customer password. 

Property NameDescriptionExample Value(s)Default Value
EMAIL_API_URLThe URL of the trusted email service.

The email service implementation (e.g. REST service) must be able to process the request triggered by the GraphQL Commerce. The request body has the following structure:

"customer": {
"email": "...",
"firstName": "...",
"middleName": "...",
"lastName": "...",
"title": "...",
"salutation": "...",
"locale": "..."
  "attrs": {...},
"token": "XXX"

Customer Addresses

BigCommerce does not seem to differentiate between Billing and Shipping addresses: for that reason, all the addresses are marked both as billing and shipping. Moreover, BigCommerce doesn't seem to handle the concept of default addresses: the GraphQL Service then considers the first address of the list as the default. 


BigCommerce does not support "description" field for a wishlist entity; therefore, any description update trials are just ignored. The "description" fields will always be an empty string. BigCommerce does not support "quantity" in a wishlist entry, either; therefore, any quantity update trials are just ignored. The "quantity" fields will always be 1.