JUMP TOoverviewWelcomePostman Collections Welcome KitDiscovery API KeysDiscovery API detailsDiscovery SDKsDiscovery Web Code SamplesAPI caching guidesCatalog management APIFormat your dataFormat your Data (Product)Reserved Fields (API)Patch Operation Use CasesFormat your Data (Content)Catalog management API v3Catalog configurationGet current configurationgetModify current configurationpostGet an older configurationgetGet reserved attributesgetJob processingGet job detailsgetGet all jobsgetView Catalogs dataGet all catalogsgetGet catalog detailsgetFeed indexingRun an indexing jobpostManage feed recordsGet current recordsgetUpload full feedputModify feed recordspatchGet record detailsgetGet record variantsgetGet variant detailsgetGet viewsgetGet view detailsgetGet view variantsgetGet view variant detailsgetCatalog management API (v1 & v2)Send your dataSend Your Data (Product)putSend Your Data (Product)patchSend Your Data (Content)putSend Your Data (Content)patchPublish the IndexpostCatalog Data Management job statusgetService Quotas for Feed and IndexingCatalog Management API Rate LimitsConfigure AttributesCatalogs applicationUpgrade from legacy FTP and SFTP serviceProduct and Category Search APIProduct & Category Search API v1Get products/categoriesgetCookie Parameter (_br_uid_2)Search category treesAPI Error CodesAPI Controls to Disable Merchandising RulesAPI Guardrails for Added System ReliabilityAPI ChangesLoomi Search+ API ControlsRanking Studio API ControlsReal-time API MerchandisingSearch API - Essential FeaturesApplying redirectsSearch Query Processing: Spell CorrectDisplay banners, assets, and campaigns in search resultsFaceting and filteringFacet response v3 - Unified rankingField StatsPaginationRequesting product and SKU attributesSortingDevelopers Use CasesFeature ParametersRanking Diagnostics on the APIView Merchandised Product Slots in API ResponseViewing Precision Modes Data in API ResponseRelevance by Segment ParameterSKU Select ParameterDynamic Grouping ParametersBuy Online Pick-up In Store (BOPIS)API Controls for AlgorithmsAutosuggest APIAutosuggest API v2Get autosuggestionsgetProduct and Category suggestionsWeb Code SamplesAutosuggest API v1 [deprecated]getContent Search APIContent Search API v1Get ContentgetSite Crawl Content Search API [deprecated]getRecommendations and Pathways APIsRecommendations and Pathways APIs v2Item-based Recommendation Widget APIgetCategory-based Widget APIgetKeyword-based Widget APIgetPersonalization-based Widget APIgetRecently Viewed Widget APIgetGlobal Recommendation Widget APIgetVisual Search APIsUpload APIpostVisual Search APIgetAdvanced Filtering Support for Recommendations and PathwaysRecommendations and Pathways Parameters ReferenceBestseller APIBestseller API v1Get bestseller productsgetJust For You API (JFY) [deprecated]getMore Like This API (MLT) [deprecated]getEmail Widget APIEmail recommendations widget APIs v2Global Recommendation Widget ProductsImage APIgetProxy APIgetItem-based Recommendation Widget ProductsImage APIgetProxy APIgetCategory-based Widget ProductsImage APIgetProxy APIgetKeyword-based Widget ProductsImage APIgetProxy APIgetPixel Integration APIPixel API (for Non-JS Environments)Pixel API ReferenceSEO APIsSEO feature APIsThematic Pages APIThematic API (JSON)getThematic API (HTML)getThematic page load processSEO strategies for thematic pagesError handling for the thematic APIDeploying Thematic XML SitemapThematic Pages GuidesWidget APIWidget typesLocation and appearance of widgetsBuild a HTML widgetBuild a JSON widgetParameters for the Widget APIgetError handling for the Widget APISEO strategies for related categories, related items and related products widgetsGet all jobsget https://discovery.bloomreach.com/dataconnect/api/v3/accounts/{account_name}/catalogs/{catalog_name}/environments/{environment_name}/jobsGet all the jobs associated with a catalog.