Batch commands


Executes a batch of commands.

Use this route when you want to execute several commands from the Tracking API group at once. You can send up to 50 commands in a batch comprising of multiple update customer properties and add event for one or more customers at once.

However, this should not be used to run high-volume imports. This is considered bad practice and will be blocked.



In this API call you can use any of these 2 types of authorization accesses:

Available access typesPermissions needed
Public accessCustomer properties > Set
Events > Set
Private accessCustomer properties > Set
Events > Set

Read more about:

Path parameters

projectTokenstringThe ID of your projectrequired

Body parameters

commandsarray of objectsThe list of Commands you want to submit. See the definition below.At least 1 required

Commands object attributes

namestringRoute name of the command: customers, customers/events.Required
dataobjectCommand payload, same format as if tracked individually.Required
command_idstringIdentification of command will be returned in response with success status. Used to match errors with the original command.Optional

Parameter "update_timestamp" for "customer update"

    "commands": [

            "name": "customers",
            "data": {
                "customer_ids": {
                    "registered": "{{customer_id}}"
                "properties": {
                    "email": "batch_email_u3"
			    "update_timestamp": 1681484247


authorizationstringRead more on how to authenticate in the Authentication section.required

Additional payload and response examples

	"commands": [
		{"name": "system/time"},
   		"name": "customers",
   		"command_id": "abc",
  		"data": {
   			"customer_ids": {
    			"registered": ""
   			"properties": {
    			"first_name": "Marian",
    			"last_name": "Galik"
   		"name": "customers/events",
  		"data": {
   			"customer_ids": {
      		"registered": ""
  			"event_type": "purchase",
   			"timestamp": 123456.78, 
   			"properties": {
      		"total_price": 1234.50,
        	"voucher_code": "KA54-548C-TEST"
    "results": [
            "success": false,
            "errors": [
                "At least one id should be specified."
            "command_id": "my command 1"
            "success": false,
            "errors": [
                "Field 'event_type' is required."
            "command_id": "my command 2"
    "start_time": 1614948195.829981,
    "end_time": 1614948195.8301175,
    "success": true


Message size

  • Each command size must be less than 800 KBytes
  • The value of every event/customer property must be less than 16 KBytes

In general, all routes mentioned in the Tracking API section can be used as part of the command. However, the maximum allowed size of a single request is 50 commands.

Error handling

Some specific errors that you might encounter with this request involve:

HTTP 200 with result success = falseOne of the commands in the request was not processed. Commands with result success = true have been accepted. Retrying the failed command will not help, you need to look for a mistake in that specific failed command, the rest of the request was successful.

See example response above.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!