Showing a 12 revision from 2018-11-09 00:08:39 which was modified by nvankampenhout

This article covers a Bloomreach Experience Manager version 11. There's an updated version available that covers our most recent release.


When it comes to deploying your Hippo-based projects, flexibility is key. We recommend Bloomreach Cloud, our powerful cloud-based service. On-premises deployments and 3rd party cloud-based options are also supported.

In The Cloud

Bloomreach Experience Manager’s system architecture is ready for deployment in the cloud. You can use a popular service like Amazon EC2, or you can choose the Bloomreach Cloud platform for a cloud-based option that is optimized to run Bloomreach Experience Manager.

Bloomreach Cloud offers the best of both worlds. You get full control over deploying your Hippo-based projects through an easy-to-use web-based UI. Hippo takes care of all infrastructure tasks such as hardware and software updates, system security, network availability, automated backup and disaster recovery.

All integration points provided by Bloomreach Experience Manager are supported by Bloomreach Cloud at infrastructure level. A separate acceptance (staging) environments is standard, with a test environment as an extra option.

Bloomreach Experience Manager uses a layered virtualized architecture, containing a dedicated application layer for each Bloomreach Cloud environment, on top of a shared base architecture consisting of load balancer, web proxy and database layers. Each virtual machine in each layer has its own host-based firewall rules, making it very secure.

Bloomreach Cloud makes use of our preferred software stack consisting of Oracle or OpenJDK JVM, Debian, Tomcat, MySQL, and Elasticsearch.


To allow you to retain full control over your infrastructure, Bloomreach Experience Manager also supports on-premises deployment. This allows you to meet strict requirements regarding hardware location and access, network security and the use of a specific software stack.

To ensure smooth operation, our system architects are available to train your people and guide them in hardware and software selection, and the ins and outs of installing, configuring, deploying and maintaining Bloomreach Experience Manager-based applications.


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