1.268 Loomi AI innovations in content and analytics

Explore new features across Loomi AI and our mobile SDKs.

Loomi AI content email copy and tone of voice

You can now use the Loomi AI content email copy generator, an AI-powered tool, in the email visual editor. This feature helps you generate email copy that aligns with your campaign theme, brand, and tone of voice.

Drag and drop Loomi AI content blocks, provide instructions, and create a tailored copy.

The context-aware generator uses the Loomi's tone of voice set in project settings for consistent content creation.

Loomi Analytics improvements

This update enhances the capabilities of the Engagement Query Language (EQL) within the Loomi Analytics, aligning it more with what you can create directly in the Bloomreach Engagement platform.

The improvements include the addition of date constraints, list constraints, and event segmentation capabilities.

New Mobile SDK releases for Android and Flutter

We released new versions of our Android (3.16.0) and Flutter (1.7.0) mobile SDKs, which allow developers to integrate Bloomreach Engagement in their mobile apps.

Highlights in the new Android SDK release include more accurate campaign tracking as well as improved documentation on push notification sounds and in-app content block carousels.

Highlights in the new Flutter SDK release include new API methods related to handling and tracking of in-app messages, in-app content blocks, payment events, and push notifications. We also made major improvements to the Flutter SDK documentation, which is now available at our Flutter SDK documentation website.

Each of the SDK releases also adds improvements and bug fixes.