Release 1.261

Check out how to streamline customer segmentation with new enhanced Autosegments!

Enhance customer segmentation with new Autosegments

We're thrilled to introduce Autosegments, a new feature designed to make customer segmentation even easier and better.

  • Automatic Customer Segmentation: Autosegments automatically identifies valuable customer segments using selected properties and metrics.
  • Detailed Insights: Each segment provides detailed descriptions and comparisons to project averages for better understanding.
  • Improved Engagement & Growth: Boost marketing effectiveness, improve customer engagement, and promote business growth with Autosegments.

For more information, check out our documentation.

SDKs updates

The new release of React Native SDK 1.8.0 delivers:

  • Segmentation API feature support
  • Case of using RCTAppDelegate described more deeply in documentation
  • How to run example app documentation update

The new release of iOS SDK 2.26.1 delivers:

  • Fixed: In-app content block track dual show event
  • Fixed: In-app message dismiss callback is not called in some specific case
  • Fixed: Generic view in-app content block has default padding on the bottom