Release 1.255
February 19th, 2024
Learn how to send even more personalized messages and discover the new SDKs udpates!

SDKs updates
The release of iOS SDK 2.23.0 delivers:
- App Inbox addSubviews from UIView are now internal
- In-app messages docu extended describing events and consent more deeply
- Fixed: Calling anonymize not saving configuration to User Defaults
- Fixed: Stored unprocessed PUSH events not storing and loading proper configuration in some cases
- Fixed: PUSH setup docu missing step of setting APNS integration in channels part
Send even more tailored messages with the API Trigger
We're excited to introduce the API Trigger for Scenarios, a feature that enables you to send tailored communications to select groups of customers. These messages are reactive to real-world events such as a sports team's victory, a published article, unusual weather conditions, restocking of products, and more.
With the power of the API Trigger, you can activate one or multiple scenarios through a single API call. Moreover, this tool helps streamline audience filtering and message personalization. Learn more on our documentation site.